Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Not Difficult to find 2 Faces

Oh this town. Or some of the people in this town. I was at a store buying things for my son and this woman acted very nice but something seemed familiar about her. Then her baby was practically starving--very hungry and crying and she continued to shop as everyone was trying to calm the baby down.

She acted great and I left and I was all the way down the sidewalk and then decided to go back to go to a store for a toy for my son. As I did, I passed her and one store clerk who were talking about ME and thought I'd left. I even heard them out loud and it was just great.

I had to ask him for a plastic sack with handles bc I had a paper sack and he said he'd get one, annoyed I saw the two of them talking about me. So he took off to get one and complimented her on her vehicle. I said a car says a lot about a personality and did she think hers fit: the Bravada Smartrek. These two were the kind to just gossip about me and it's interesting to see who spreads shit about me around town. Her plates: 703 WUP. I wondered who her husband was as she said she was married and was sort of going on about it.

There's more but I'll blog about it later. More fun from another place.

But anyway, some of the regular workers are a problem there but their new people are always very nice. No issues with the new people, but then they never seem to last long or want to work there long.
I stopped over to a computer rental store which I've been to once before recently and popped in to blog something fast. No one was there but they had 5 associates holding down the floor and I have to say, more of the same, but worse from there.

Worse, because the last time I was there, one or more of the associates set something up which created the burning sensation and it doesn't happen in other stores. One of the guys came over to the table and was plugging and unplugging things and the strange thing was that it was directed at my heart or mid-chest like usual (maybe from position with computer?) but instead hit my mid-section where I was leaning against the table. It's the only time this has happened, and I wondered what the hell they had done and it was just odd, with people staring and the main associate hovering was a "Justin".

Justin approached again today. He started going on about how they were having a "Christmas in July" sale and everything was 55% off and how I could use their free wi-fi and check my email and also come to their party for the 55% off or just for, he said with emphasis, the "free food." I said I'd rather not be in the company of those who use their skill in technology for evil and not good. I said I'd heard there might be some persons like that there and he said should he worry and I said I was quite sure HE had nothing to worry about, it was only me.

Then he went back with this whole cocky behind my back attitude after I got his name and with me he did look worried and I saw that on his face, like he knew I knew. So then he goes back and Eric comes out and says he knows I've been there a short time but I can't just blog and not check out other features. I said okay, no problem and then I asked if I could have his card, in case I decide to go to the party. So he said he had a card and then said, "Do YOU have a card?" (knowing I don't...why would I? and he like everyone else here reads my blog like The Diary of Anne Frank). I asked who the manager was and he said it was Jeff Hoffers. I was polite the whole time and then said, in response to his "card" question, "Yes, I do, let me get one for you" and this look of astonishment comes onto his face. So he gets called to the desk and I took out a plain white envelope and wrote "SASE/AARONS/hit Christmas in July Party Information/(please write address)" and then in the corner I put my P.O. Box number and then I affixed a stamp which happened to be from Guam.

I walked over and dropped it on the desk where 3 associates were standing and said, "Here's my calling card. Feel free to send me a letter anytime." Then I walked to the door. I looked back and all 3 are staring at the SASE and probably don't know what the hell one is.

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