Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2 Wenatchee Police On Bikes & Laptop & then 3 cars

2 Wenatchee police on bicycles just rode by and one said hi to me. I didn't even notice they were coming and they decided to pass right next to me. He didn't say it in an obnoxious way but I am just making note. I am also securing my blogsite and have someone keeping an eye on things so don't think you can go in and change things that I am reporting.

Earlier today, when the female officer came in, I left right away because I have basically developed a PTSD from false arrest and harassment and then it seems strange they are positioning themselves to continue this. I don't consider this to be helpful or a way to eliminate what damage has already been done by trying to put me in the same situation and make it a non-damaging situation. Just stay away from me unless I call you or there is a good reason for contact. Also, it would seem more sincere if the police were not already hostile and trying to press charges on me for a bogus thing when they screwed up.

Ummm, I think I mentioned earlier today, like, just less than 10 hours ago, that I don't appreciate having police come into my proximity 3 times a day unnecessarily.

It's one thing if I'm making a specific call on something or going to the station, or even just saying "hey, can you get someone to check out what's going on with my laptop?"

I have been directly approached, within about 1 foot of my person, by police, a total of maybe 8 times in the last 3 days alone. One day it was 4 times, then the next day 2, and today 2.

Which, by the way, had zero problems almost all day until right after I posted the plates for the Canadian driver. After I did this, the burning thing started up.

And also, I noticed a couple of other cars going by that just didn't strike me right. One guy was normal I think, and okay, in a truck and then a few cars back there was a black Mercury sedan that just smelled like the FBI to me, or something. Maybe it wasn't. Could've been another country or something, but that's what impression I got.

I DID notice how when I called about having an officer sit down next to me to see what I experience with this laptop stuff, I had virtually zero problems almost all day today. There was ONE time where it was really brief, when I was at the bookstore or a deli I think, but brief. Then, it didn't start up again until about 8 p.m. and it is clearly laptop and when the power died and battery went out, it quit instantly.

Now, there have been 2 more Wenatchee vehicles past and just now a security car but I am thinking it's for other people and not for me or to annoy me.

But seriously, when I called in last night, and reported what was going on and how I wanted someone to check out what this is, it quit. It's not quit now, but it was quit and anyone could sit down next to me and see for themselves if there is something going on or not. The one person I stayed with who actually felt it once, literally felt it. But at this point, it needs to be documented by police who are familiar with computers. Sitting over at Andy Panda's place (computer guy) isn't going to be a place where someone will decide to start this up.

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