Friday, August 13, 2010

Bad Night & Other & Dreams (no comment)

I had a bad night last night but then it was worse because I think someone put something in my coffee or water and then I had computer probs again with someone adding and changing my posts.

I am keeping a better eye on it though and deleted some things or saved some.

I only think something about the coffee because of stomach cramping which was unusual or food sickness or something.

I had one drink but it affected me more than usual but maybe it's because I didn't eat anything until later at night.

I do not know!

Someone talked to me about the Bilderbergs last night.

I know that I have to better secure my blog because it has been used against me and I've found out someone has been altering and deleting some things. I believe the posts with the driver's license information when there was a misdemeanor trespass disappeared when my laptop was taken by police recently, but it may have happened earlier.

I know for sure I never wrote that I "knew" where Erickson lived, nor did I ever write "watch out" and someone accused me of this and I know I didn't write that ever bc I've never known where she lived until court when it was written down.

So I am trying to keep a better eye on things and at least some have printed out original copies of what was there to start with.

I had a problem again last night and had to delete some materials this morning bc it was crazy stuff and deletions were made too.
This morning I had dreams which were very detailed, but nothing that I can share. I am not revealing my dreams or thoughts anymore unless I want to comment on something specific. But I did dream, and for a long time, and it was quite detailed.

This morning I opened up, in the Bible, to: Psalm 119:41-48.

I am starting out the day with praying for some things but I should probably do that before leaving a house. It's not possible without any privacy though. I'm very tired of lack of privacy in my own living quarters and being deprived of this basic.

Also got Jeremiah 40:4 on being loosed from chains or freed.

John 1:32 about the Spirit descending like a dove.

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