Sunday, November 2, 2008

TTSOML #156: DEA and Dr. Said

At some time while I was with Dr. Said, although I was not drug seeking at all, I did wonder if some of his patients were or if he'd ever been in trouble with the DEA. I thought the charging system was a little odd too, because it wasn't so much for a visit, but spoken of as being so much for a "prescription". I wasn't paying HIM for a "prescription", but for an office visit. So the language, at least used by his secretary, was a little strange.

I called the DEA and asked if there was any info on him and told them my concerns a little, but said I thought he was one of the few doctors who helped people, who was not paranoid to prescribe narcotics for severe pain.

What happened next, after the insurance company tried to cut off my prescription, was that Dr. Said went on "vacation" but didn't tell me and didn't give me enough to cover me during that time.

I called his office to get in and I was told he was on vacation for 2 weeks and completely unavailable. I said no one had told me I would have to miss an appointment, and why wasn't this taken care of ahead of his vacation? His secretary was rude when usually she was polite, and she said I'd have to go to a walk-in clinic somewhere else and have them fill for me until he was back.

I didn't want to go to another clinic, because then I'd be accused of "shopping" for narcotics and I wasn't. I relied on my PCP.

But that's what I had to do. I called every walk-in in the Ephrata and Moses Lake area and they wouldn't see me. Only Wenatchee Valley Medical would, and they were already claiming I was drug seeking (I still have to write about one of the nurses there). When I went to Wenatchee Valley, because I couldn't just be cut off with nothing, it was a huge ordeal, and then I found out, that doctor wrote a LETTER to Dr. Said, complaining about me.

I subsequently found out Dr. Said was NOT on vacation the entire time he told me, and I was TOLD, he was. I had Wenatchee Valley people say why didn't I go to Said, and I told them he was on vacation and they said he wasn't. I said he WAS, that his secretary just told me that. Then I called after the appointment at Wenatchee Valley, and got a NEW secretary who was in training and SHE told me he was in the office, and was scheduling an appointment for me until I gave her my name. Then she stopped, and said he was on "vacation" and told me I'd have to talk to Daisy, the main secretary.

Why was Dr. Said's office lying to me about his being on vacation?

The next thing that happened, is I was kicked out by his office, and his own daughter did it, and refused to give me a copy of the letter from the Wenatchee doctor. They also were going to refuse to give me my chart and everything in it, which I needed to take to another doctor, and I was glad I hadn't given them the originals as they'd said they wanted.

I told my grandfather, the second time I ever went there, I had a bad feeling something wasn't right about that place, but since they took me, I was going to go until I found someone else for both me and my son in Seattle.

Dr. Said's daughter claimed they'd heard about me and that they believed I was "drug seeking" (and this, after I was the one to turn DOWN offers for additional and higher doses of narcotics and other meds, including ones for my son), and she said they were Muslim and sensitive to people (Catholics) who were harassed because of their faith. I had never once said anything to them about my problems with the Catholic church, so I wondered who did.

I sort of wondered if Dr. Said was friends with Dr. Butler, because both of them were self-declared "pain specialists" who distributed narcotics, and since this is uncommon, especially in Eastern Washington, it was probable they knew eachother because there were only a couple of them in the area. I gave Dr. Said Dr. Butler's name at the first appointment, so perhaps he called and they discussed me. I don't know.

But I never harassed anyone there, and I did find out I was blacklisted again, and that people were lying about things and setting me up to APPEAR as though I WAS "drug seeking". Because why would my doctor's office lie and say he was on vacation and then allow me to go elsewhere, where they were told he was NOT. It made me look like I was shopping around for doctors and I wasn't.

I wondered if someone let them know about my call to the DEA as well.

I believe two things: Dr. Said really did help some people that other doctors wouldn't help, and 2., that Dr. Said was possibly into something shady, if not in general, at least in concert against me. My grandparents thought the same.

After I was kicked out of Said's office, I had no choice but to go to Wenatchee Valley Medical. I was basically forced there because I couldn't afford to drive to Seattle and hadn't been reimbursed for the medical transportation. Being stuck in Wenatchee only meant I was written up more, and then when they told me to go to Chelan, Chelan was told to write me up and did.

I'll explain this, but what I find most telling, is that when I attempted, several times, to check into "rehab" for evaluation as to whether I was "drug seeking" or NOT, all of the rehab places in the area refused to admit me. They all said they didn't evaluate as to whether or not someone was drug seeking but that someone had to "admit" they had a problem. I did NOT "have a problem", but I offered myself up for evaluation, several times, and they refused to evaluate, prior to taking my son.

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