Sunday, November 2, 2008

TTSOML #158: Wenatchee Lawyers (VAERS Obstruction)

The first thing the Wenatchee lawyers for the hospital and Columbia Valley did, was to refuse to give me copies of my signed releases for my son's vaccinations.

After I left Dr. Butler's clinic, I asked for these, multiple times. I had already been asking his clinic, through a variety of formats, and then I got some info through Chelan Health but the information was different from what I recall signing, and although all medical records for my son were given to me, they did NOT include the signed releases for vaccinations, which were in his chart.

The lawyers for Columbia Valley Community Health and Central Washington Hospital were the same: Davis Arneil firm. I am quite sure their lawyers were involved from the first, when I first came to town and demanded slanderous accusations of being "drug seeking" and having only "tension headaches" (instead of actual migraines) were being written. They refused to correct the record, even after I submitted two neurology reports from Oregon, where I'd had evaluations done within a couple of years of going to Wenatchee. Both neurologists concurred I did, indeed, have migraines.

But after I demanded this information be added to the hospital's charts, I still had some doctors (Jobe, for one) claiming I only had "tension headaches" and offering me 2 Tylenol for them. What I noticed, is that while the medical staff of this hospital claimed I suffered from "instability" or mental issues, they yelled at me loudly, harassed me, and threatned me. If they really believed I was a nutcase, I believe they would have taken a more sympathetic tone. Instead, what I know is TRUE, is that none of them thought there was anything wrong with me, and their main goal was to defame me in the records and cover their own asses for writing crap about me to begin with (starting with Parnell).

One would think, if they were living up to their Hippocratic Oath, and attempting to do the right thing, medically, they would own up to the facts. Instead, they just tried to muddle them more.

Their lawyers, I know, were involved.

Then I got a false "positive" for THC (a marijuana compound) from that same hospital, after I'd threatened to sue them for defamation because I'd never done drugs in my life and the only time I needed painkillers (then) was when I had a migraine for over 2-3 days.

I had never in my life been around marijuana, and I believe someone in the hospital planted it there so they could claim they had "evidence" I WAS "drug seeking" and to clear them from a defamation lawsuit (because I had already given them records which proved I had migraines, not "tension headaches" and they were probably worried). The reason I believe it was planted is supported by the fact NO ONE in the hospital, OR within Columbia Valley (my PCP or others) ever told me about it. It is required, by law, to disclose such findings to the patients, and no one ever did. Because they DIDN'T, I had no way of challenging their supposed "findings" or going to another clinic to refute the analysis.

Again, the lawyers for the hospital, and for Columbia Valley, are one-and-the-same. I also am quite sure, as I believe I checked, both lawyers that took me on, were both Catholic. Which doesn't usually matter, except that I had extensive litigation against the Abbey and Archdiocese of Oregon, and problems with certain members ever since. Their names were: Lewis W. Card and JP Diener. First, I had Lewis Card, who claimed to be the representative for Columbia Valley, and who never managed to procure the original signed vaccination releases for me, which had the batch numbers of the vaccinations on the labels which were affixed. JP Diener handled most things for the hospital.

I had told Dr. Butler I wanted the original signed vaccination forms because after my son's reactions, I was going to report his adverse reaction to VAERS, which is a national database that takes information from people, parents, or doctors, who believe their children suffered from a bad reaction.

Please see:

Dr. Butler didn't want me to do it and said HE would not do it. So I said if he wouldn't, I WOULD. However, to do this, I needed the batch number and information from the exact vaccines which were used. This information was on the original vaccination release forms I signed, which were then affixed with the sticker from each vaccine my son received.

Perhaps the clinic, and their lawyers decided Dr. Butler's office had made a great mistake with combining the wrong vaccines, on the wrong schedule, for my son. Perhaps they realized it was unwise to use old vaccines with Thimerserol. And finally, perhaps they simply did NOT care what they did to the rest of the children and families they serviced, who were primarily hispanic.

If VAERS had received a report of adverse reaction, I wonder if the clinic would be liable for damages for additional adverse reactions, if they did not THROW OUT their supplies. Perhaps they didn't want any notice brought to the batches they were using, or, it could have been that they just didn't want further attention brought to the fact that MY son had received improper batches on the wrong schedule, which is why he became so sick.

To this day, I do not have the original signed copies with the batch numbers and identifying information, and this has prevented me from making a report to VAERS and from obtaining any evidence that my son may have received the wrong vaccines.

This law firm is largely the one responsible for encouraging their clients to file bogus CPS complaints against me.

I'll have a series of TTSOMLS about what these lawyers did, and seeing Abbey lawyer Kaempf pulling out of their parking lot. Basically, Wenatchee attorneys got help.

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