Thursday, July 15, 2010


I am wondering if I should file my anti-harassment request, consistent with harassment I've had, by a couple of state workers and individuals they set me up to live with and to harass and abuse me.

I think Erickson's complaint also came up on the same day that I reported harassment by the state workers with a man named Tony and then they decided to have Michelle do something. Then, after Tony and also, after I was trying to get things taken care of with some guy that Michelle knew and was USING against me (if that's not harrassment I don't know what is), then it was Erin McConey, yelling that she was calling the police, for nothing.

So I think the anti-harassment orders should probably be flipped in the other direction, if you ask me.

I, at least, reported the specific incidents of harassment at the time they occured.

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