Thursday, July 15, 2010

This Morning--scheduling flight for son

So far, I don't think my son has had his horse ride.

I gave them the number for where to call, to get directions, and I hope this is done. I also tried to set up a train ride for my son but I'm not sure why no one could do that. It's possible someone is trying to to make them look bad I guess, by refusing to do any of these special things for Oliver.

Then today, I worked at lining up a plane ride. This man knows some flyers and said a glider plane would be best for him, he thought. I think anything would be fun for him, and he'd be very excited about it.

Last night the only part I remember about a dream is that I had some small dream about being in a bathing suit and was out of shape but someone still thought I looked pretty good and I didn't know why and then I stood up and wanted to see how the muscles on the sides of my thigh looked. Totally random and insignificant.

I also read CNN and BBC and thought this was funny, from BBC. It's exactly what I would have done! But it's still funny. At least, it was my first laugh-out-loud in public of the day-- The only thing I'm not sure about, is why they wouldn't just call the road service people to clean it up and then paint, but maybe they tried.

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