Thursday, July 8, 2010

Medication & Why I Was Arrested In Canada For U.S.

I think I've had someone or different people adding things to what I eat here and there, at different times. I think this because I've felt different at various times and also because I've had people tell me this is true.

I forgot to even bring that up in court. Or ask about it, if they have any knowledge about it.

I don't think it's being paranoid to wonder, and esp. not when I've had people bringing it up to me. Maybe they are only trying to bother me, I don't know.

I told the Judge if the state offered me and my son a one-way bus ticket out of the state NOW, we'd take it.

I've had people at least TRYING to get me to take medication since I was in Canada. And I found out that I and my son were totally deceived there. The whole time we were there legally, and when we'd found friends, not once but twice, they were just stalling, according to the court, to buy time so that Wenatchee could try to get something in the courts to make it LEGAL for them to take my son. They basically said they had to wait and "coordinate" with Canada before they could do anything.

They NEVER had a right to take my son. It was and is illegal.

Wenatchee or "Washington authorities" basically had to defame me so badly that Canada was willing to help set me up to make an excuse for taking my son and they actually HAD to arrest me in order to legally be able to get to my son.

There was no legal right to take my son because the two of us were legally in Canada and I was his legal guardian.

The only provisions in the law for taking a child, esp. if they are in another country, is if the parent is "confined" or arrested. If the parent is arrested, then the child is legally removed. There are no other provisions.

They didn't have any kind of evidence that I had a "severe mental illness" and still claim they don't know (the experts do) and so they could not claim I was a risk of harm to my son, esp. not after TWO Wenatchee mental health persons had cleared me of being any kind of risk to my son. So, knowing I had already been "cleared" as NOT being a risk of harm to my son, Wenatchee and the Washington authorities knew they had to have a better excuse.

So they "coordinated" with Canada to find some way to make some excuse up for arresting me, because THEN they had a legal right to take my son.

So, then, they reeeaaaallly needed to try to prove I was nuts, so I didn't come back at them with this...the "truth".

I also discovered E. Wenatchee Detective Dave Helvie was the one to head up this manhunt of me. I certaintly HOPE, dear GOD, that HE is not the E. Wenatchee cop with the dog named "Angel" who sent his son out with a bunch of other kids, to harass me recently (photos of which evidence I posted online). I would think that this would demonstrate a certain malice.
Basically, the defamation about how I was "paranoid schitzo" was to convince the Canadian police to "work with us" and find a way to arrest me. If they couldn't ARREST me, I would have had to have been extradited.

Knowing these problems, once this happened to me and my son, THIS is why Russ Haugen asked "what if we just dismiss the whole thing?" His lawyers knew they were in trouble. They knew if I wanted to, I could find out what communications went on with Canada and they realized they didn't have the right to do this to me and my son. My son was traumatized because of what they did. No one, not even the state, asks you "What if we just dismiss the whole thing?" unless they know they never had a right to take your child to begin with and could be in major trouble if they did NOT return the child. The only other option, if they didn't return my son, was to TRY to prove, against any odds and with as much force as possible, and as much lying and corruption that was necessary, to "prove" that I was "severly mentally ill". Otherwise, they were liable for slandering me to Canadians and encouraging their arrest of me in order to take my son.

The U.S. did not have the jurisdiction or right, to force my son from me, with claims alone that I was "severely mentally ill". They had NO evidence and no diagnosis. SO, the ONLY way to get me and my son BACK over the border, was to have ME ARRESTED.

My parents believed Canada and what Wenatchee CPS and the state told them. They didn't know that this whole thing had to be SET UP and STAGED in order to take my son. They didn't realize what the motive would be. They thought I had actually DONE something to get arrested for, because that's what THEY were told.

The entire removal of my son from me was and is illegal. THEN, to cover this up, they got a Wenatchee public defender to tell me to just "go along". The Judge asked why I didn't submit my medical records earlier and at the same time has been saying I dismissed all my public defenders without cause. My CAUSE or part of the cause for letting them go, was that NONE of them made an attempt to help me get these medical records and instead wanted to go along with a story that I was nuts instead of really putting anything in the record that was an actual defense.

Then of course, the State got their removal of my son justified by DEFAULT in a hearing where NO ONE was representing me or my son.

Do you want to know WHY the CASA worker was a former prosecuting attorney? Because the state needed some fucking BEEF to pad and keep their case against me padded and insulated from outside criticism. This is also why audio recordings are not allowed for the visits with my son. The state used, in this hearing, just THESE notes to claim it proved I was nuts or had an unhealthy relationship with my son. The notes are a bunch of b.s. but they haven't wanted different monitors observing because they HAD to keep this whole case tightly controlled.

I couldn't believe it, because even after I told the Judge how these monitors and notes are the ONLY thing that is being used as any kind of "valve" as to my mental state, he refused to allow audio monitoring. I told him, there is NO OBJECTIVE evidence to turn to about whether I am lying or the visitation monitors are LYING in their notes about me.

Then I found out Michelle Erickson has personally known almost all of the people I've had to live with in Wenatchee, all of whom did terrible things to either disrupt my housing or have me out with nothing.

After the Judge heard what actually happened to me and my son in childbirth, he was NO LONGER telling me it was a bunch of b.s. He started to realize exactly what kind of defense I had had from the very beginning. So he asked WHY my records were not there and where were they?

Go ask my public defenders, who were all supposedly wonderful and who I supposedly wrongly dismissed or who withdrew after doing nothing.

To DATE, the state still does not have a diagnosis for me or any mental health professional willing to put their reputation on the line and claim I'm nuts. I have no diagnosis of being severely mentally ill and I never will.

If having avoidance issues and PTSD for this, is "severely mentally ill" then I guess I have the same thing Michelle Erickson has, whatever that might be. HAY girlfrEnd. Maybe I should fill out an application for a job at CPS. Maybe they'll accomodate my "issues" if I'm working for them.

Oh, and the CASA said, under oath, that basically, my free speech was why my son should be taken from me. Because I wrote "offensive things" and so had mental issues. I asked if Howard Stern, Anne Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh were "offensive" and if this meant they had mental issues.

Then I asked him if he'd ever written anything offensive about anyone before. He said no.

I asked if he'd ever SAID anything offensive and he said yes.

I asked if the written word and speech were the same thing. He said yes. Basically, my blog or free speech and my adult interactions were the cause of removal. I asked him if he'd ever read anything that might indicate I was a bad parent or that I had poor parenting skills or which raised concerns and he said no.

My son wasn't taken because I am severely mentally ill or because I am a 'risk' to him or am not a good mom. He was taken because some adults find my BLOG "offensive" and don't like me and don't want their friends to be sued and protected them. Oh, and because some thought my house was sort of "messy" and my first public defender even said, "The only evidence the state has against Ms. Garrett is a dirty house." And then I proved even that was a lie. I asked if people who trash houses and don't care about their living conditions usually decorate for Christmas and had they seen my youtube post of the Christmas tree and did they notice the other decorations in the window? I brought up how Pam Cauffel ommitted from the record how I was the one to INVITE them to observe me and my son. The state claimed they never got that email when I sent it to at least 2 or 3 CPS workers. They said Pam didn't put it in her file to them as she should have. I also said her claim about "garbage 4 ft high" was a mischaracterization when she failed to add how it was only "4 feet" because the garbage was TIED up and sitting upright in secure garbage bags. There were about 4 garbage bags, that, tied up, were more like 2 feet tall or waist high like normal garbage bags would be. I said there were not even any photos and why not, and I was told the state's lawyer felt they were "inadmissable" and couldn't be used to prove even a dirty house. So they had, actually, nothing. They had photos and if this supported their claims they should have had these in the file but they didn't. So basically, it was a bunch of hype for nothing. The only thing downplayed were my own claims of harassment and constant problems in the Wenatchee area.

Michelle said, under oath, that Jennifer Godfrey was the main person running the show and trying to keep my son from me. Funny how Godfrey has never wanted to meet me face to face.

My public defenders didn't want to CLEAR me of the charges and have my son returned. They also weren't willing to obtain my medical records to help prove I wasn't delusional and show what the motive was. They just wanted me to go along and get a Wenatchee psych eval and have someone try to pass me off as paranoid schitzophrenic before I had a chance to work in the public eye and prove to others outside of the area that this was not true.

The ONLY reason I am NOT diagnosed as "Paranoid Schitz" today is because I got out from under them too fast and showed myself to too many others outside of the area for them to be able to make this claim any longer. If I'd gone straight back to Wenatchee, from Canada, they would have slapped me with nuts right away and even put me in Eastern Psychiatric Hospital right away. Canada knew they would do this as well as I. Which is why they advised I stay away and try to get a job if possible and NOT go back unless i had a private attorney. NO ONE thought I should have a public defender.

The private lawyers in Blaine even thought that without work inbetween, Wenatchee could try to say I was nuts. It is ONLY because I got out of the area and got a job and was visible in the public eye to a LOT of people that, when I came back, the state did not have as strong of a case against me for mental illness. So then they just wanted to run my clock out to get away with proving anything and it's also the main reason they have visitation monitors who are willing to lie about me, to buffer their claims and "create" so-called evidence. My mental health has been "deteriorating" according to them, when really, it's just that I've been living in this shithole of a town where everyone knew it would be impossible for me to get my son back. WHy? Because people here have TOO MUCH TO LOSE.

I told the Judge I just want my son back. If the only place I can make it is out of state, I and my son should be given Change of Venue so I have a chance to WORK and have my son too.

I do not regret leaving Wenatchee. If I had not done this, I never would have had a chance. I would have been trapped. And as long as I'm here, I don't know how my son and I will be able to escape this hostage situation.

Doesn't the U.S. have hostage negotiators?

Or does the U.S. need to arrange some kind of "trade"?


Anonymous said...

"I told the Judge if the state offered me and my son a one-way bus ticket out of the state NOW, we'd take it."
To me that doesn't say much about you as a mother. His extended family, who he has had the opportunity to get to know, is here and you would be willing to uproot him. At least CPS put him in a home where he could visit with someone he was familiar with, not with total strangers. Think about someone other than yourself.

Mama said...

I didn't include here, the whole content of 4 days worth of testimony. In that time, I said it would be best to transistion, and I look out for my son's best interests. However, look at all the case law. If the child belongs to a biological parent, the state has no right in delaying the child's return. Case of the kid who was sent from Florida back to Cuba and numerous other court findings where the child is ordered back to parents despite a number of claims regarding "bond". It is ILLEGAL to severe a parental right without very serious and, usually, criminal grounds.

My son, as a matter of law, CAN be immediately removed from his current care and placed back with his mother.