Monday, February 15, 2010

Amy Bishop: Government Recall II

I responded to a comment from someone that brought up declassified Fort Hood information. I then found this, and this commenter says the unibomber was later discovered to have been used for MK-ULTRA experiments while he was at Harvard.

I sort of wonder about Amy. I have read a few other comments and we all seem to think it's strange, the look on her face, and yet she was so normal. It may be that she knows what happened to her and what has been going on with her, and then she was worried about maybe things she knew with kids or other adults being used for experiments by the government. It sounds crazy but read this. This guy didn't know he was an experiment victim until his appeal:

at 12:40 on February 14th, 2010

"[I]t is not known what her motives were for the shooting at this point" (emphasis added). Excellent lead into the central question of motive, of which, there can be more than one. A lot people are blogging and commenting on Organized Stalking, and, workplace mobbing. While Organized Stalking may be conjectural here with the current facts, workplace mobbing, or, what lawyers call a "hostile work environment" seems to be a probable motive. Certainly, it should be examined. Even given her history of an apparent deadly incident, workplace mobbing could have pushed her over the edge for this one. It seems that a woman with two award winning neuroscience inventions and over a dozen peer-reviewed scientific journal articles should have gotten over being passed over for tenure. Its not like a Harvard Phd with her credentials couldn't have found a six-figure job in biotech.

Recently, the public was given a pitiful examination of the Fort Hood incident that did not even bother to mention motive. Lets hope politics does not get in the way of the full truth and nothing but the truth. Perhaps its a blessing in disguise that capital murder charges apply. It wasn't until his appeal that the unibomber, and the public, found out he was an MKULTRA experiment victim as an undergraduate at Harvard."

I got this quote from this site:

I have some other ideas too, but I'll keep them to myself for now.
Here is a site that I had some trouble getting to, but with a lot of documentation about MK-ULTRA experiments and things still going on, and you'll have to type in "stumble upon" and "ketogah/mkultra" because my entire browser kept quitting on me when I pulled it up, I had to go to the cached file. But I found it as I was looking for information about Harvard educated students who didn't know they were being experimented on. Ummmm...Who wants to go to HARVARD????!!! mMMEeee-meeee-meee-meee! (raising hand eagerly).

I think, anymore, I'd try to get a list of the schools which have a reputation as rebel colleges, who would not subject their students to this sort of thing without their knowledge or consent.

So if it's true, if Bishop was a victim of MK-Ultra, who do we charge for the crime? The U.S. government? What I want to know, is what kind of research she saw being done, and her husband as well. And what keeps getting downplayed is that she was and is a mother. A mother of 4 kids no less.

This woman might not have to wait until appeal. If she gets a good lawyer now, it's time for FOIA.
Here is a link to a section of a book that talks about how the Unibomber was a victim of MK Ultra experiments at Harvard:

Unfortunately, when this came out, it didn't affect his appeal. I don't know why not. I would think any government involvement in mind altering experiments on persons, should mean the government then also assumes the responsibility for the outcomes, whatever they may be. People have successfully sued for compensation for being subjected to this sort of thing, yet someone cannot win an appeal? For 3 years, this guy was subjected to mind control experiments. But he's expected to be normal now? This was a risk which consequences the government should have absorbed.

I don't know anything about Fort Hood but just found this other thing about the Unibomber.

Also, this from the wiki site, which doesn't explain this went on for a full 3 years, beginning when he was only 16 years old, which was when he enrolled at Harvard:He was encouraged to apply to Harvard University, and was subsequently accepted as a student beginning in fall 1958 at the age of 16. While at Harvard, Kaczynski was taught by famed logician Willard Van Orman Quine, scoring at the top of Quine's class with a 98.9% final grade. He also participated in a multiple-year personality study conducted by Dr. Henry Murray, an expert on stress interviews.[8]

Students in Murray's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-sponsored study were told they would be debating personal philosophy with a fellow student.[10] Instead they were subjected to the stress test, which was an extremely stressful and prolonged psychological attack by an anonymous attorney. During the test, students were strapped into a chair and connected to electrodes that monitored their physiological reactions, while facing bright lights and a two-way mirror. This was filmed, and students' expressions of impotent rage were played back to them several times later in the study. According to Chase, Kaczynski's records from that period suggest he was emotionally stable when the study began. Kaczynski's lawyers attributed some of his emotional instability and dislike of mind control to his participation in this study.[10][11]
It's very sad to learn about this and then see how his "bombs" and parts of his cabin are on display in a museum. It's almost like showing off, in a sense, what "we created". After reading about this a little bit, I have opened my mind to the story of the Unabomber. Of course, what he did was so wrong, but tampering with people at such a deep psychological level, by persons with expertise, is no differen than torture, and it really is torture. He should have been sent to a psychiatric ward to recover, not from "paranoid schitzophrenia" but serious PTSD, abuse, and probable dissociation and who knows what else. If he was paranoid, he was rightly paranoid, after what happened to him.

So anyway, food for thought. Will have to find Fort Hood materials next.
I looked up more about Unibomber and found out, this guy began in an MK ULTRA program at age 16 and then, he was not only exposed to this for 3 years at Harvard, but then at another college following and then another. At least 5 years consecutively, being followed, observed, and experimented on by the CIA. I feel sorry for him. Is it any wonder he built a cabin in the woods and became anti-government?
Am also reading too, new developments about Amy Bishop...Her husband didn't know anything and she went out and got a gun and was even at the range before the meeting. To me, if she has this loving personality as her friends and family say, and here she is a mother of 4, and she's a good teacher, it sounds like MK ULTRA to me. She sounds triggered or something, either that, or she knew what she was doing and did it for some cause, but it seems so strange...just for tenure reasons when she was refused tenure earlier. It doesn't make sense.


Cathy Palmer said...

From what I've read, it would not surprise me if BOTH Amy and her husband are victims of some type of mkultra mind control.

She says she doesn't remember the shooting at the school nor does she remember the shooting of her brother.

And her husband said she didn't need anger management after she assaulted another mother at IHOP about 8 years ago.

Here is the link to my post:

Btw, Sirhan Sirhan, convicted killer of Robert Kennedy, says he does not remember shooting Kennedy but believes he did it because everyone told him he did it. (more on that here

Mama said...

Hi Cathy!

Thanks for your post. I like the sunflowers in the background of your photo, by the way.

Yes, I have wondered about her husband too. I agree, the method and manner in which this took place were too unusual. Then, this guy from Arlington was really quick to jump in and be dismissive about her, and brought up things which I thought made it sound like he has more knowledge of her than we all do.

I was told she went to harvard for medical school but not undergrad. I thought she was there for undergrad but at any rate, there are other colleges with these programs. I was told by someone at harvard today, that she went to Northeastern. So since this is next door to harvard, I'm sure the CIA doesn't have to travel far..and I'm wondering...

Will have to look up the other guy. There has never been an end to the kind of "manchurian candidate" experiments. They just go under different auspices. Even after FOIA in the 70s, experiments were continued into the 80s and then I'm sure other projects were started with other covers and excuses. Probably, the documentation is harder to get to than the most secret things in the Vatican. I mean, either that, or they keep almost no records or pass it off onto criminal groups and get them to do dirty work for them so they can blame that group and not have to admit it's CIA. I mean, I just put up a link which directly links the two: the mafia and CIA with this kind of thing. I think even some people in the mafia wouldn't be so cruel.

Most normal people cannot endure to see human suffering, and yet, I wonder sometimes. It's not that hard to tip a large group over into accepting really sick things, and into allowing torture of others. It's exactly like what Nazis did. They got tons of people silenced or enthusiastic about getting rid of people or torturing them and the others were glad to go along because they felt it served their own interests.

Thanks again. You can find my new link about MK ULTRA on a newer post about amy bishop which I wrote today.