Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blond Woman In Ponytail WA License# 7848

I got a few plate numbers but only selected the ones which were most significant and who were really harassing and quite sick.

If anyone from out of this area could see what I saw today, it would bring them to tears. I was fine, about my personal life, until I began thinking about "The State Of The Union" and the corruption and mockery and malice I was witnessing as I walked back to the house. I rarely cry, but when I saw only a few people, who I could tell were the few decent ones just going along, but only a few out of so many evil individuals, I didn't think about my personal life or my son at all.

Well, I thought about my son briefly, and yet even though my visit with my son was cancelled for possibly bogus reasons again, to punish me, and even though there were all these people mocking me, what brought me to tears, was getting to the last stretch right before the house, after seeing all that I saw, with my eyes wide open, and I thought about The United States Of America and the tears started to roll down my cheeks. So I was openly crying for a few paces, and then it was like I hit the fucking jackpot.

This woman, whose license number is above, if she is the owner of that vehicle, the SUV, took her time to pass very slowly, and mock me and laugh at the fact that I was crying. This woman looked SO happy and so self-satisfied, I thought, "That right there, is what is wrong with the world. Beauty that is skin-deep."

She wasn't the only one, but she really epitomized the attitudes and character (or lack thereof) over here. I was so stunned by her reaction to seeing someone cry, and her desire to rub it in and smirk and look so happy about it, my tears dried right up. That woman, whoever she is, has had a long burning hatred torwards me. To see this kind of sadism, because that's exactly what it is, after seeing it on a few other faces (though not quite so smug) and then seeing the cowardice of SO many men passing by, was stunning.

I ran the rest of the way home, happy to get her plate of all things, because I knew she was significant, intuitively, I know. It wasn't because she was enjoying seeing me cry, because a few others passed and were smug or what have you, and I'd only gone a few paces, but this woman had a real jealousy and a very serious chip on her shoulder about me and I don't know who she is, but as soon as I saw her, the psychic or intuitive instinct just hit me. She wasn't just anyone, and I don't know how she factors into my or my son's life, but she is representative of several others who have real issues.

Believe me, it was almost the entire town, as I was walking by, and seeing so few who were actually good people, and being able to read them by their expressions (even if they tried to hide what they really felt), I picked up a LOT of information.

Which was, pretty much, why I began to cry. Because the minute I thought about how overwhelming the problem is in this town and seeing Oregon plates too and just knowing what I know, when I saw the overwhelming evidence of what the state of so many hearts and minds is, I began to cry for the United States.

What I now realize, is that maybe someone felt excited or happy to see me cry and thought it was about not seeing my son, or because I had just written I was going to testify about my family which is not the root of the problem actually, or, the idea that I might not have any avenues. I have no idea. I really do not know. But I know for a fact, as I sit and write this down now, no one thought I was crying about my country.

They thought they had got to me and that I was either crying about my own life or my son.

I wasn't. I was crying over all the people I passed, who represent a consitutiency of the United States. I knew, after this walk, when so many people suddenly wanted to really show me what they thought, and laugh openly, I knew, the "state of the union" is very sick and it is not healthy because the people are sick and unhealthy and there are only maybe 20%, if that, out of those I passed, who are halfway normal. I am really glad to be able to say I did see and pick up the psychic information enough to notice those who were good. I saw the good in a few very good-looking men and women and a few older, and white and also hispanic or latino. I saw that there is good. But what saddened me and caused me the most concern, was seeing how the bad vastly outnumber the good.

When I say "good" I don't mean, "good" because someone is "on my side" or cares about me or my son, although I care about this...I mean "good" in the sense that these people actually are normal and they're going along with something they don't want to go along with. They are sincere, balanced, and probably some of the most faithful and strong individuals. But what I saw all around, was so much sickness.

I will write more to this post and include a few more license numbers but I can't write them all down. However, that woman that I saw, it was very odd timing. So strange, but I knew God cared when I was faced with her.
I think, if anyone is suprised at why I wouldn't cry about my son or the missed visit but why I'd cry about the country, is because I am aware that it is not just my son, but many children, who are being affected and controlled when it's all going downhill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not know you...but I found your blog by accident a few months ago and have been following your fight since. In reading your blog I see a person who needs help, serious help. Not with the department you hate so much, or the police officers, or even the public defender you mention so often, but for yourself. You need some mental health treatment. I find your writing to be very intelligent, but you are paranoid and that is very alarming. If the people who have taken your kid see this same stuff, its no wonder they have taken your kid. Get some help so that you can be a better mother to your son and can get him back.

Your writings make you sound like a crazy person when you write about the stuff you are writing about. I feel sorry for you and I want to help you, but you have to want to help yourself first and it doesn't sound like you are listening to anyone. Maybe you are in denial of your problems. I have a sister who was diagnosed with a mental health condition, bipolar. Her children were taken from her after an episode (for lack of a better word). She went to treatment while I took care of her two children. She came back and has been an awesome mother to her two children and that was 7 years ago. She takes her medications regularly and she doesn't struggle with life like you seem to be doing. Get some mental health help, please. For yourself and your son! If you truly want your son back, you would do whatever it takes to do that, but it doesn't sound like you are willing to do that. For that reason, I feel bad for your son, cuz it sounds like he has a wonderful mother, who just doesn't want to do what it takes to get him back. He is the one that is suffering thru all this, not you.