Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Computer Overworking & About Hacking

I wanted to document my computer has been overworking this morning the way it does sometimes, which affects my health, so I'm aware that other electronics can be tapped into to cause harm from even a distance.

I wanted to add (and I need to make a comment over there) that when I mentioned the deleting and orphaned files which occured at Floyd's house and then this house, was that it was obvious Floyd had been on my computer because not only did it do this when it rebooted, but he forgot to minimize the "command prompt" icon.

I never use "command prompt" for anything, because I don't know what to do with a computer in this way. The second time I had deletion and orphaned files, I didn't see the command prompt so if someone did it at this house, they got rid of the icon after they did whatever they did.

"command prompt" is where you go in and can write things into the computer, as if it's in DOS or whatever. It's where you have to type in written commands to do anything. If you've used it, it will stay on the menu start up unless you minimize or get rid of it.

So no, it wasn't a normal start up error. Someone went in and changed things in my computer.

I have had several people I've stayed with, in Wenatchee, do this and try to find ways to open up my computer to allow everyone in Wenatchee, practically, to see what I'm doing. I found out the other computer in his house, which I used, was networked. I asked him, "to what" and he said he didn't know. He doesn't know that much about computers he said. But he knows "command prompt?"

(Sigh). All you people really have to do is give me back my son and a job, but that is just too much to ask, isn't it? instead, I end up getting so close I have loads of shitty information on a lot of you.

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