Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Copy Of Email To Public Defender #14

Your Offices and Duty To Me‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 12/11/09 4:41 PM


Given the last rude email from your law firm, and the fact that nothing is getting done, I need to know if you are really representing me or not.

You haven't filed anything, and instead of asking for reasonable accomodations from the state in writing, you did what they wanted at the last hearing. Not only that, my case is prejudiced because nothing is getting done. There are 10 days or so until the next hearing, and I haven't seen anything and I need to see what's being done ahead of time.

Not only that, your offices promised to give me blocks of time to use resources--fax and phone and other, and it went from allowing 4 hour blocks to just flatly saying no, and then I was told I only got ONE hour PER DAY and now I'm being told, I have 2 total hours per week.

I need to know what you're filing or what you've made motions on because if you've not covered the bases, I will.

The email from your partners was rude, unnecessary, and they know that they have backed out on what they told me from the start and then made it appear as though I am somehow to blame or must be reprimanded or reminded about boundaries.

Have you given the state information for the neuro exam or not? The state needs to get that over to Dickinson.

I expect your partners and employees to treat me with respect and that would include not backing out on promises made and in being zealous and concerned about my case.

I cannot see how it is in your firms best interests to treat me badly nor do I see this as being productive in any way.

I need to see something is being done or accomplished next week. I am not going all the way up to the next hearing with nothing already filed. It should be filed at least 7 days ahead of time and I need to review what's being written or agreed to first.

Let me know what I can do for you.


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