Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Copy Of Email To Public Defender #6

Good Morning Justin‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Tue 12/08/09 8:44 AM

Hello Justin,

I'm coming over to use the conference room and telephone and someone had said they could patch me through for internet as well. I may be a few minutes after 9, but I'm coming.

I have to do some legwork to find out where different documents are, in Canada, which pertain to my case, this case. I have some good information which Judge Hotchkiss said he would like to see, and this combined with my medical records should clear my name and possibly even get me past hoops altogether. There is a chance, if I obtain these records.

So, I talked to one of the partners, and my idea is to work today, on the information I need to get back, or out of, Canada. I have medical records for both me and Oliver there, and other important records.

I also have to find out where my car was towed to because I had information in my car and I may be able to track that down as well.

There is a very good chance, that if I present all the information I have, this case against me will be dismissed altogether.

Thank you and I will see you in a few.



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