Friday, February 12, 2010

Dog Is Happy, No One Else Is (son still abused)

I walked out of my visit with my son and more harassment but some angry looks, some mocking, and a few sad, but also, a few that looked relieved, as if they understand.

It was the big "white car" day parade, and people in white, and as my visits with my son are being broadcast to everyone in real time, there were some nice matching details, such as a white bulldog leaning out of the car after my son had just brought this up in the visit, and it wasn't just one small thing, but a lot of things. These people do not even care that I know, or anyone knows, that what is happening is highly illegal. They do not care.

Then, Anne, the monitor, while knowing my visits are being broadcast, at the same time I guess she doesn't think anyone can hear her in the other offices because she said in the other office, first, something about "Okee doke" and made a point of saying this, but did not want to say it in the visitation room.

This is my take--if you're trying to mess with me or be rude, knowing I don't like that phrase, if the dislike is sincere, and you are worried about being heard or caught, by all means, one would say it in another room, where it might be out of hearing or something.

If she was saying it in the visit, it would be more like she doesn't care, and knows people hear, but she's fine with it. But that's not the case. She is trying to get to me, in a more private way.

She doesn't WANT to be heard saying this, so she made a point of doing it in the other room first.

She is writing down when my son says he wants to stay there, I think, but I haven't seen the notes, so I don't know. I know she didn't look happy when I was able to get information from my son about how he was doing.

These people have been so brainwashing my son, and hurting him, he is afraid to talk and he doesn't even remember basic things because it's like his memory has been affected on simple things which should not affect him.

Given all the symptoms my son has had, the fact that the state has not immediately had him go in for MRI is disgusting and evidence they know and want to allow him to be hurt.

I was able to get my son to talk, by using the stuffed animals as conduits, and I felt like a forensic investigator and child psychologist, having to do this with my own son.

Not only are people saying very weird things to my son, which he repeats, they are hurting him still.

And it's coming from the daycare, which I have complained about countless times and asked that he go to a different daycare, or better, a preschool. There is more than one person involved in it.

He may like the kids but he's going to have to find other kids to play with.

He needs to be in a preschool downtown where people can walk in at any time and see how the children are being treated. Right now, he's isolated up in an orchard where it is hard for people to come in and see what is going on.

I asked him if he'd had a good day yesterday and he said "NO". I asked him what happened and he wouldn't say anything. He said several times he didn't have a good day, and this was obvious, by his appearance and he was acting out. His eyes had horrible circles underneath and he looked sick.

I am going to be able to get the truth out of my son eventually. Even if he is a little older before it comes out, there will be a day when my son will talk about everything and some people are going to jail.

He had an abnormal piece of skin picked off, abnormal in the sense that it wasn't from playing and looked like someone had poked him with a pin or a tack. It was very small, but it was still there. It was from yesterday.

The mites type of thing wasn't there, but he was itching and not feeling good in general.

I asked him, through a teddy bear, if he was with Holly and Pablo yesterday or at a daycare. He said he was at daycare. I said did he have fun and he said "NO". He couldn't remember anything that he did. I said, "Was someone mean to you?" and he said YES. I said, "Were kids mean to you or was the lady mean to you?" and he said, "The LADY was MEAN to me." I asked him what her name was and he wouldn't say anything but repeated the Lady was mean to him.

It is obvious someone, maybe more than one person, was mean to him, by the way he was acting and how he talked and looked. He also said something about a man bringing over a truck of poop. I will have to detail this more later.

However, there is no reason why my son should be at any of the daycares he's been at. They neglect my son or are mean to him and it shows, and rather than have him at the house all day, it would be better for him to be in a more public place where people can see him and come in at any time to check on him.

He also doesn't have behavior problems unless he's around kids that are bullies, or adults who are bullies. My son is one of the sweetest little boys you will ever meet, but he has been threatened so he acts out, in the way others have treated him. When he's playing with the stuffed animals and we're interracting, his old self comes out...the one which is friendly and sweet and would give the shirt off his own back, which is nurturing and affectionate, and absolutely delightful.

It is too bad that the only people he can trust are his MOTHER, and a bunch of fucking stuffed animals.

Don't ask anyone in these state offices to protect him or be trustworthy, and I don't trust my own family and the people they are intimidated into allowing him to be around. Then these others are allowing people to just abuse and brainwash my son. There are also men involved. Next time, I'm getting everything out. I will get everything, about what is happening to my son, out.

I don't want even one of them to get away with it. I want jail time, for all of these people who are involved, and for my aunt and uncle too, for complicity in refusing to report crime against a child.

So here I am, one mother and her child, against the world, and why is it that I'm so terrible for wanting justice? and all I get is a bunch of fucking white cars, white shirts, white clothes, and mockery and hateful glances too. There is something wrong here.

As soon as I was out of the visit, as I was walking back to the house, it was clear to me instantly that even though those visitation notes were not already entered into the system, the information had all been overheard already and people had been asked to show up and demonstrate that my visits with my son were and are broadcast to everyone. Everyone else hears all of this and knows, and yet they try to block ME from documenting evidence. After I had talked to my son using the teddy bear, this man and woman in a van with license plates "MSTEDDY" just drove back and forth around me. There was a "driver's training school" thing on top of the van, but they were intentionally going back and forth in front of me, and thought it was hilarious too. There was a whole bunch of this and it happens every single time, after my visits, and this town thinks they can put surveillance illegally on my house conversations and my visits with my son, and yet they don't have any accountability and don't want THEIR end documented.

The only way this information is getting out this fast, right after I've left the building and people are all set up and ready to go right away, is if the visits are being listened in on and overheard, in real time. Either the visitation monitors have a phone with them which can allow to go through to others, or the state or some state worker has the rooms bugged or set up to allow people to hear what is being said.

I bring in a bag most of the time and I wouldn't be suprised if there is something in my bag even, but while I don't know how it's going out, it is. I have thought, a couple of times, that maybe it was after the notes were entered into the computer but maybe that's if I don't have a bag with me or there is something else going on where someone couldn't broadcast me. In general, from what I've seen, people are hearing my visits in real time, completely illegally.

But then I am blocked from audio recording, in order to use that same evidence to my defense. People use the content to try to mess with me more, or to play mind games with my son and abuse him with it and decide what to do with him next, but this same information that is used for evil, is being refused to me legally, to be used for good, to show what is going on.

So I walk home and three different U.S. post office guys want me to notice them, along with all the other shitty things people pull around here. One of the guys I really didn't like and I was told he was "a sub" on route 27 and I saw his face and the guy is getting OFF on what is happening and mocking me. It's all fun and games to him and he was even getting off on being able to drive a U.S. post office truck past me and have me notice he was right next to a different one. The other post office guy had a book about "Walking through the Fire" on his dash where anyone could see and then as I approached he turned his book cover so I could see what he was reading, and he held it up noticeably and it was "A Man At The End Of His Rope". Then as I was talking to him, another U.S. post service guy comes driving by, just staring at me. This other guy walked by right after I was seeing all of this, and it's cold out but he's wearing a shirt that says "Virginia" across the chest.

I sometimes wonder if I should start hauling out information about married men (as if the military and other crap wouldn't be enough, but I still feel this is best left as last resort for now), or ask God to help me see who is having affairs in the CIA or FBI and help me dig up some trash, if no one is going to do anything about my son and this sorry state of affairs.

So I got to the house, after a whole bunch of things, also including a truck going by that said "happy birthday stephanie" after my son had been talking about birthday cakes and poodles and things in our visit, and after a WSG cement truck rolls by (comment later), and a bunch of other things.

So, I get to the house, and I hear a WOOF WOOF!!! and some dog comes bounding over wagging its tail very excitedly. It's the dog who is back. I had no idea she would be that happy to see ME. She never barks out of happiness, but she did with me. I mean, ecstatic, for her. I guess I was very surprised. It's nice to see real appreciation from a dog that I've barely known.

Which now reminds me of this woman I met recently who had laid out her house in raggedy anne and andy stuff and then had the left side of her coffee table with an article on "hiking with Dad" and the other side with a book about "high energy dogs". Very eclectic but pretty bathroom. But there has been a big white theme.

I like white, actually, and I like cream too, with gold accents. But when I had people assaulting me and doing odd things in Seattle they were wearing white and acted like it was symbolic for not having life. If that's true, and not just mind game, then the last 2 visits before this one the monitor left behind white paper towels when she got up and then kleenex and today a white chair was singled out all by itself in the room. Here at the house there has been white and implying harm to my son. My son was wearing a shirt with flames all over it today.

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