Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Song and Thoughts This Morning

The song that came to mind this morning was "I Resurrect My Eyes" by Kate Miner, which isn't outstanding, because I know it's because I was trying to decide whether to have an energy drink called "Resurrection" or "Red Bull" this morning (one has taurine the other doesn't).

I went to the Kate Miner page and thought about the songs and was thinking particularly of "I Hung The Moon" and it was the first song that came on the Kate Miner radio, so "I Hung The Moon" was my first song of the day.

I think I have to get a second computer so I can listen to music on one and do the live streaming on the other one? My current laptop is very simple.

I talked to my girlfriend and she is supportive of this. She said I could do this or try to cooperate with the services and when I explained how I had been bending over backwards trying to cooperate with people, for the last year or more, and they just did their best to screw me and my son, it wasn't working. So she said yeah, this would then give an accurate picture of who I am or what I'm like and that I'm not mentally ill in any way, other than stressed out or distressed by things that have happened to my son.

She had a good idea but I don't know how I'd do it yet. She said while I'm away, I should tape myself and feed that in somehow or post a link with the recordings. But, if I COULD somehow figure out how to do a live feed that would be better and show I didn't just flip a screw while away from the room.

But, I don't know how to do this, with all the technology and I feel it will be sort of weird to record myself out in public. But I guess...I don't know. I am so not entertaining, unless I'm bantering with someone.

I can't be funny, even, all by myself. I need someone to bounce off of of, which was why I had so much fun on the East Coast--lots of banterers to play off of. I fear this will be a total disaster on an entertainment level, but at least it will show normal activities and speech from me, on a consistent basis, which will directly counter lies made about me.

I thought about it this morning...should I take a shower first, clean my room, and get dressed? I decided no, I'm going to introduce myself in this sweatshirt, with my hair a mess and my room a mess. Afterall, I will need to go about normal life and get normal things done. You should see how I can set my hair with rubberbands around curlers instead of hairpins. Oh yeah, this is going to be an intellectual mine!

hhahaaa. I have no idea what I'm doing. I think I did it and I have no idea how to check this stuff though. I tried to call my friend but she's not home from dropping her girls off yet. aaaaaccccckkkk! this is really horrible, sort of hilarious.
"Tarin" came to mind, more than once today.

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