Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Good Morning! NASA Visit With Son

Okay, I am feeling better already. I needed a good night's rest and that Valium knocked me out. I don't have an alarm and tell myself when I want to wake up each morning and for some reason, it works for me. I could tell my body "5 a.m." and I do, and then I wake up then! Or 7 a.m. and it works. But I was drugged with the Valium so I didn't know but I still woke up on the time I wanted!

I do need a wind up alarm though. Wind up, in case power goes out.

So anyway, my last visit with my son was great. I acted out space expeditions with him because he wanted the stuffed animals to take the rocket to outer space. I asked what planet they were on and he said they were going to a planet with (will have to check my notes) and then the one which was really cute, the Bubblegum Planet.

So it was all gum and I told him they had trees there, made out of gum sticks and blown up bubbles and there were gum bubbles floating in the air, and oops, the chickie got stuck in some gum! So he loved it, and wanted them to all go to outerspace and one found a planet of butterflies and I had the crocodile named "Maggy" with a southern accent and Oliver decided they all wanted cake. So it was a big cake baking day. Strawberry cake and chocolate and we pretended to mix them together and bake then and he did shopping first and I traded money with him for the ingredients.

More details after visit today. Have to go back to notes!

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