Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Harassment & Hell & Abuse Of My Son

I had a great conversation with my old friend, and it was like the next day, all hell broke loose again.

My conversation with her went out to the entire community again, and I had bits and pieces of it thrown back to me. I talked about seared tuna, among other things, and this guy who was expecting me in his office had this huge article across his desk, about seared steak. Then, just one comment after the other, and, the first thing to greet me was some woman jogging who resembled the friend I had been talking to.

There were big people in town today. I don't know why, but driving by and sizing me up, in Washington cars but not from here.

Then, I walked out of the offices, and some guy has his videocamera out, while he's in his van. I think people in Wenatchee do not get what I am talking about when I say big lens camera. I am not talking about people digging out their videocameras, I'm talking about National Geographic type cameras. Not videocams simply, either, but the huge, half the size of a head lens-type cameras for photos. But this one did't feel serious--it was more mock-up. I have had serious people with serious cameras taking photos in the last few years, but this guy out in his van, it felt more like show than anything else. Like someone decided, "hey, she talks about cameras, let's get a guy to sit out in an old van and record her." Actually, I've been seriously videotaped before too, though, with my son at a park once, in Wenatchee. Someone filmed us together for a long time.

Then, some woman just yelled out of her car for no reason, but I was okay with that. I mean, she sort of just lost it and I don't think anyone knew why so I didn't feel badly or feel I'd done something wrong.

Then, some young guys yelled out cat call type stuff again and they've done it a lot, and this wasn't the first time. I know where they live now, so I might just ask them not to do this, and then if they continue, make a report.

I don't know what the deal is, with the color thing. I say something and then I go for a walk and it's all black and white cars leaving. I don't get it. I don't know what I'm doing or referring to half the time, I just notice. I really don't know what it's about. If I knew, 100% who was really wholeheartedly for me and my son, and really, without any self-interest or benefit to them I would like to get to know these people. But it's harder now, because I've had people pretend to be my friend and use me or try to cause trouble by just getting information about my life to use against me. I can trust some older friends, but I don't even know who is on the same page anymore.

If I knew who was doing all the bad things to my son, I wouldn't hesitate to report it. If I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I would report and press charges. The problem is, some of the things done to him are done discreetly, to harm him and cause him pain but not allow me evidence to point it out other than that he's sick.

Today at the visit I noticed something that I first noticed awhile ago but then it went away on me and then I noticed it has become worse, and was also done to me at the same time somehow.

Different things have been done to harm my son, at different times, and I have later found out the same thing was done to me at that same time, even if we're apart.

I will write what it is in a minute.

The other thing that was done to my son, is visible on his left cheek. He pointed it out to me and said, "Look Mama, a kiss." Someone has been brainwashing my son to call "owies" a "kiss".

I asked how it happened and he wouldn't or couldn't say. He just pointed it out and it was this red mark, like a specific red rash or the kind of mark one would get from a bee-bee gun but not that defined and round.

I noticed too, that he has permanent marks on one arm in a long scratch, when I wasn't checking or was unable to check his arms for marks.

As for what my son had on his other cheek, it was little bumps and they look like tiny little warts and I first noticed them on his hand at a time I mysteriously got them, while apart from him. It was like one day I visited him and we were both fine, and then during time apart, I ended up getting these weird bumps somehow which I thought were like mite bumps or bedbugs and then I noticed the exact same thing on my son in the next visit.

And no, I do not have even one STD or anything like that at all. It's something else, but several things which are being done to me are being done to my son while he is apart from me.

Which is why, when I see how sick he is, I asked my aunt to keep my son off of the wii and the computer, because if I've had problems with this odd overcharging and heating up which causes problems, someone could do that with things my son is on. I'm not the only one who knows this either, because I realized other people knew or believed me at least, when they didn't want their own children to even be near my laptop.

Not only did my son call an "owie" a "kiss", he did other things which made it very clear that someone is getting access to my son, or telling my aunt or uncle to brainwash my son to do certain things. I believe others are getting access though, because he is recognizing people in the visitation rooms and offices.

Most of the brainwashing and things my son says and does do NOT sound like things my aunt or uncle would say or even think of to say. They wouldn't give my son an idea to say "are you going to pow me?" because they wouldn't use the word "pow". They wouldn't tell my son to call an owie a "kiss" unless they had someone telling them to say this.

My son saw this one woman in the bathroom and when he saw her, I saw him staring like he knew who she was. I asked him if he did and he said yes and then, as if someone told him to do this if he saw this lady, he looked at her and then held up 4 fingers. Then, right after this, he specifically put up 3 finger. First 4 and then 3, and then he looked at the lady again. The monitor has been writing things down but I'm not sure how because I haven't seen the notes. However, it concerns me that she thinks any of this is funny. When my son shows signs of brainwashing, like this, or can't remember who hurt him, or does something "on cue", or can't remember or doesn't know what an orange is (today he said he didn't know what an orange was), she gets a smirk like she's in on a joke. And this bothers me, because there are a lot of people in this town who KNOW that things are going on.

He saw someone else in the room and he purposefully barged into the woman. But it wasn't being rude, it was like he'd been encouraged to do this. The last time, he saw a man and woman and I could see he recognized them right away. As soon as he did, he stuck out his tongue. Then he looked at me and told me to watch as he was sticking out his tongue and rolling his eyes. I asked him if he recognized or knew that man and woman and he said yes. It was mainly like he sees or hears something, and is triggered to do something specific and it comes across as total brainwashing and a lot of it too.

This happens almost every single time, whether he appears to be in good condition otherwise or not. But sometimes I can tell he's had good days and then I can tell when he's being harmed by non-legal weapons which directly affect his memory, and/or is brainwashed and traumatized from something.

Today and yesterday he had no appetite, which was common for both of us when we were being harmed in East Wenatchee through non-lethal technologies (which nearly became lethal). Our memories were immediately affected, and my son shows every sign of having this problem again. He is also thin, has circles under his eyes, and was having a strange effect in his complexion today. I want to say he's just getting over the "cold" but he looked better on Monday than he did today so things are going on.

He ran with me in the bathroom and then when we got back to the room, I looked at his face and it was very abnormal. He had beads of sweat on his nose where he would normally not be afffected this much, but I figured this wasn't that big of can work up a sweat. What was really odd was that his complexion got uneven and patchy. Sort of white in some spots and then reddish or purple in other spots and then under his right eye, which was above the "kiss" or assault mark on his right cheek, there was a swath of greenish yellow like a bruise. Kind of on the top part of his cheek and under his eye. His nose also turned purplish and veins across the bridge stood out more, right on the surface.

This was immediately after running, when he quit. Then his color began to even out, but I have never seen his skin do this before. After he was cooled down, his skin was more normal, but this effect was very odd.

As for his demeanor and behavior while with me, he was normal and we had fun. I think he got some instructions from someone again, but in general, he and I had a very good visit and he was affectionate and we had fun.

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