Monday, February 1, 2010

My Latest "Message" (Photos)

Here is what the opened drawer holds, and this includes scissors I brought to my son's visit once which affected him like he'd been traumatized.

The drawer pulled out and left open with the 5 horse shoes on top.

This is an unopened package of medical gloves, like the one the military nurse guy was wearing when I last went to the clinic. The nurse's name was supposedly "Chuck". He wore a black t-shirt under his nurse uniform and had a Southern accent, and said he was a "traveling nurse" (one who set items out in numbers of 3 everywhere. Pills, stickers, whatever) He said his favorite place to go on duty was Scotland.

The following photos are of the coffee table thing which was turned over on its side, and looked like a coffin. Rightside up it doesn't look like a coffin so much, but this is where the pillow and blanket were placed, and then the most recent message of beams and an exacto knife. There is nothing around which requires an exacto knife. These photos show where this is in the entrance, how close to my door of entry.

Well, you think I'm joking and maybe I'm reading into things, but I came home today, to my space which is supposed to be private, and found two plywood beams with the number 2 on them, next to an exacto knife.

First of all, even if "2" doesn't mean "swift death", people know what I've written about it and what I have thought, from reading online. Then, my son's fingers were cut, and it looked like the kind of cuts from an exacto knife and then I've had this laid out in various places which are just conspicuous.

Tonight, okay, put your 2 beams out on the "coffin table" where I'll be sure to notice when I come in, and with the number "2" on them, and sure, with an exacto knife. Any particular reason why an exacto knife would be lying on beams of wood? One doesn't cut wood with an exacto knife.

Then I walk down the hall and one of the tool box drawers is opened, and it's the one with all the knives, scissors which scared my son, and exacto knives. Pulled out all the way.

No big deal if it wasn't happening every single day. And then there are new gloves on the mantle with the number "6" on them. If it's not been serious, it's all been mind games to try to drive me nuts. This has been going on for a long time and I'm really tired of it--if anything it's been intentionally to cause me distress and concern.

At the state visitation offices, it's been far worse, but I have been blocked from documenting what's going on and whenever I've tried to use electronics anyway, they are jammed by some other technology. Someone in the state offices was using jamming devices even when I first didn't have a ban, and yet my equipment cut out. What I did have, was ruined by individuals who maybe know a couple of members of my family who want my son or who knew state workers and didn't want the facts to come out. So my memory cards were both erased and stolen. I even had two Wenatchee police officers delete footage from my videocamera. They arrested me on false charges and then I got my videocam back and all visitation footage (which was then legal) had been deleted.

That's Wenatchee. Police. Wenatchee police deleted my footage illegally and Chelan county detectives covered up abuse of a child and mocked me. They're not pulling me over for illegal things all the time anymore because I don't have a car. That's the only reason I'm not being harassed in this fashion.

I see the movie "The Cove" about how some of the police and town people just want to get rid of someone on bogus charges and at that point, I thought about me. I thought about MY life and what I have been put through.

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