Monday, February 15, 2010

Post Pub Supervisor Claims I "Quit"

I just got off the phone with a supervisor, not the boss but a supervisor, who is saying I won't get unemployment because I "quit" and I wasn't fired.

I told her, yes I was fired. Everyone working there knew I was fired and there are a few who I can still get in touch with to confirm this.

Not only that, I was fired the day after I announced to the cook and everyone else that I was pregnant. That same day, a new craigslist ad went up by Kathy and she was looking for a new waitress and I was fired by text message the next day.

Now, she just told me over the phone, she didn't fire me, I quit. I told her that was something which could be disputed when it gets to that level, if they really want to mess around with that instead of just paying unemployment.

I would think it would be a lot easier to just pay.

I had people back then, telling me to sue for being fired for pregnancy difficulties, and I said no, I wasn't going to do that. But it left me in the lurch with nothing and at the same time, my complications were getting worse and this was when I was leaking fluid and trying to get help.

Kathy just said, "You didn't come in, so you quit."

I said, no, that's not what happened and I blogged about it and have the texts. Not to mention the craiglist ad going in the day before she fired me which made it clear that as soon as I broadcasted my pregnancy, I was out of a job.

The only reason I told everyone, was because I had some people there telling me she was about to fire me and that the father of the baby, Chris, might not want me there while I was pregnant. He was getting pissed all the time, and impatient, and I was having problems because the pregnancy was difficult.

I decided to announce my pregnancy because I was worried I would be discriminated against if I didn't, to explain why I needed to sit down more than usual, for break, because of the pain.

I told everyone I was pregnant, and the cooks and waiters and waitresses all knew and found out at the same time, and they knew it was "high risk".

If, after letting that matter go, being fired, at the worst possible time, I have to fight about unemployment, there are a whole lot of other things about a lot of people, I could bring up, that I haven't brought up yet.

If they want to say I quit and try to deny unemployment after everything I went through there and the position that put me in, it will be a much larger headache.

I think the boss might be more reasonable about it, about the supervisor I just talked to, who was the one to fire me, wasn't being reasonable.

Talk about drops. I know one place that was used for drops. I don't think the worker is still there, as far as I know, but still.

I want my unemployment, I don't want anymore delays, I'm tired of the mind games, and I want my son. That's not too much to ask.

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