Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Prayer For Justice

I have had more things happen today and seen more than I would like to see and I cried and called out to God for serious justice.

To continue the work He has begun.

I called out to God to bring things to pass very quickly, which will show exactly how He feels about what is being done and has been done.

I am praying God will show me who my best allies are, whether they are here or elsewhere, and to be able to sidestep even the traps some of my allies have had laid for them. I know intuitively that some people who care about me and my son are being decieved or are in danger of being deceived.

I put my tears, smeared them on the glass, and with all of my energy and focus, prayed to God that those who are right and pure in heart (not perfect or flawless but who have good hearts and try), that they will rally for me and my son and will be completed protected.

I am in the middle of very, very, serious crime and corruption. Corruption by people whom the public should trust, and they are the very worst.

I have been stuck in an ongoing cycle, of blindly believing certain people, and thinking they had my best intentions at heart when they were going out of their way to harm me and my son and do whatever they could to keep us down.

There are so-called friends of mine who would work against me, just as there are people I may have never even met, who are trying to, or want to join to work with me. My biggest concern and greatest fear, right now, is that the wrong people are going to be ensnared in a plot and deceived, while the truly wicked untouchables get away with things.

I feel absolutely desperate and yet very confident something is going to happen. I am praying for absolute vindication and full and complete justice, and justice to the highest corners of this evil and corruption.

Dear God, please honor and bless my prayer and believe in this cause as I put my faith in you and believe in you. Dear God, please bring others to help, even outside of the country if necessary. Please bring people together to fight for justice.

For those who try to play mind games and are cruel to my son, I pray no peace and I pray that they will be afflicted with diseases which will affect their minds. God only you know who these people are and I pray they will have no peace and no rest and that they will know you can still intervene, even today, and I pray that those who are self righteous will find the power of God in their lives until or unless they sincerely choose to change.

God, put your angels out to vindicate the suffering and those whom others, even in high government, mock, who are blocked from access to liberty or justice.

I pray that all of the weapons which have been used against the innocent will be destroyed, regardless of how expensive they are and who is using them. I pray that people will have courage to speak up about authorities who are corrupt and state workers who are corrupt. I pray for the people who are international but have noted the systemic problem, that they will intervene, and help, and if no one is willing to help domestically, I pray others will get involved. Bring out those who have integrity, true integrity, to the fore and give them strength. Dear God, please protect those who try to protect others. Give peace, where there is no peace, to those who are pure in heart.

Send your absolute covering to those who are willing to fight for the benefit of many, to get rid of the corrupt cowards who have come into power. In the name of Jesus, Amen. And God, work out your justice among those of any faith, regardless of whether or not they even claim a faith, who are perverting the course of justice.

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