Saturday, February 13, 2010

Telephone Problems & Mind Games With Friend?

I'm having some of the same problems I used to have back when I had litigation in Oregon. Then, I didn't have actual phone connection issues, but someone would have their fax call me with the loud beep all the time.

Now, instead of calling my friend or making calls and having them transferred to totally different locations, I have made calls to her and I get a fax line and yet it's not her line but I dialed her number.

This happened yesterday. I would call and I got some fax machine. Then it happened tonight and I got a fax machine calling her number, pressing the buttons, not redial. So the second time she picked up and she said it was the first time her phone even rang.

So somehow, my calls are being transferred to other numbers.

I talked to her for awhile and it sounds to me like someone is messing with her now, knowing she and I are friends. I am keeping an eye on it and my ears open.
I'm having problems with email or computer as well, with things coming up which I don't select. I just tried to click on my inbox and inside of getting my mail, as usual, I got a message saying I didn't have any contacts and I'd either invited them already or I didn't have any. But I didn't click on a button for that. So I had to go back.

This is really small, but the thing I notice more is the very harassing or weird ads I've had pop up and messages as well, which have nothing to do with what I'm writing but are just weird. Like getting one about dead people not being able to haggle, or about cambodia, or a whole huge number of the ads I've received, which are not normal. I have a couple of other things to write about as well, which I haven't yet, but noted...note to self to do so.

I'm concerned about my friend because she's had some weird things happen too, which she isn't thinking of but she's telling me about things in her life, and it sounds like someone is messing with her, knowing it will get back to me.

There have been a lot of things but she had a medical person ask why she wasn't "glowing green" and actually, only uranium or radioactive things do, though I had people in Oregon tell me to watch out for "kryptonite". That was a long time ago, but it kept coming up so although this has nothing to do with my life I pay attention. Then, they gave her a hypnotic agent, propofol, which is normal for a certain procedure, but is weird because I had just been looking it up, and then I guess the only thing that's bothered me is they gave her discharge notes telling her not to take any pain relievers of any kind, not even narcotics (which are not NSAIDs or aspirin) for 5 days. It wasn't like she was given individual instructions for her own medical history, someone gave her discharge notes to not use painkiller for 5 days and when I talked to her, she was in pain. I said, "I've never heard of that before--not taking painkillers or being able to after a procedure." She said maybe it was because of a contraindication with the anasthesia and I said, "I don't know. That doesn't sound right. I've had plenty of surgies and other people do too, and I've never heard of not being able to take painkillers for an entire 5 days after the procedure." It just sounded like she was suffering needlessly.

I called a hospital out of the area, in another state, and they said they'd never heard of such a thing. If there is severe pain, you have to go to ER, but still, I don't know where these apparently "standard" discharge notes got written up to state she couldn't take any painkillers for 5 days.

She has never once thought anything is unusual. She doesn't think anything is weird or hasn't expressed this to me and she and I haven't discussed it except I did bring up to her that I thought the 5 day wait on painkillers was strange. But she and I don't talk about everything and I don't think she thinks about things. I'm just trying to look out for her.
I have had someone tell me that my son has been made to drink something which is not normal medicine before. I don't know what but he didn't want to and it made him sick. Not my aunt and uncle, but someone else.
I'm sort of concerned about the healthcare my friend will be receiving. I'm concerned because she and her family has come down with a number of very abnormal health problems and then some of the normal standard things haven't been examined. She hasn't had anyone even diagnose one of her conditions which could have been diagnosed a long time ago. And everyone in her family has thyroid problems but it's not hereditary. I told her she sounds like a guinea pig with all the problems that have come up. But then I thought it was strange that not only she, but all three of her children, came down with thyroid issues and then her husband too, and obviously, he's not related. I asked where they were living. I mean, that is not normal. Everyone comes down with hyperthyroid? She had to have something done with hers and then it went to hypothyroid. I wondered how close to Hanford they were living when she first told me this but no more than anyone else. So I wondered what they were exposed to, in some environment. They lived in Moses Lake and Seattle and then Kennewick but the problems came before they lived in Kennewick.

It's just weird for an entire family to come down with thyroid problems.

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