Thursday, February 11, 2010

Visit With Son Wednesday

This visit with my son was very good, but he had obviously been through more brainwashing than the last time I saw him, because everytime there would be a certain "cue" he would go on auto-pilot to do something.

So next visit, I'm going in and rearranging the whole room and putting things that are already positioned out, away and in hiding.

Part of what's good about bringing in my own things or using puppets or directing his attention to get him really absorbed, is that it's made it easier to block out this other stuff he does which is obviously set up between whoever does this at his house or is allowed there or at the daycare, and then the people who set things up in the room a certain way.

So basically, next time, I'm screwing it up. I could tell I was screwing it up just by engaging him in something different, like toys talking, so that's been good and then he's not doing this other weird stuff that he's clearly been coached to do.

This last visit we walked in and he was wearing grey pants and a grey, red, and white shirt with "fire control" or something on it. He is usually wearing this shirt when his breath smells like something burnt like hair perm or after he starts looking like hell and has lost weight and has circles and his nails start to warp or something else. So then there was a Russian guy outside with his son and some other people who looked fine. The son of the guy looked nervous, but other than that, no. My son seemed to recognize some people though. And then the other thing was that before I saw my son that day there was a woman speaking Russian behind me. I just ran into a lot of people then, but I don't get it.

So my son and I walked into the room and someone had put the stuffed monkey in the play grocery cart. There isn't usually a grocery cart in that room but there was that day and the whole town knew I'd bought a bunch of groceries for my son and had them on hold to be picked up. I mean, sure, people reading my blog online don't know, but people here knew. So I asked the monitor if she'd mind picking these things up for him and she said it wasn't a problem. So then he acted out at different times, putting a blanket over his head a lot and when I looked at his face, most of it seemed like stuff he'd been instructed to do. Then he went and stood in a corner, when he hadn't done anything wrong and I hadn't asked him to and this was while I was trying to coax him out.

He had tried to be kind to this little boy in the bathroom, and I said he could say hello and he extended a tentative hand to his shoulder in a hug way, and the little boy pushed him. My son just got these big eyes and looked at me. He looked so hurt, and i said, "It's okay honey, he doesn't understand you were trying to be nice," and I picked him up in my arms and my son just held onto me tightly. I told him I was going to tell him something about kids that were mean. I was actually shocked that this other kid had just violently pushed my son. My son's response makes me think he's being bullied at his daycare sometimes. My son has amazing manners and has only been acting out since he's been unsupervised around children who act out and push and fight and hurt him. He was the most affectionate and happy little boy until he was removed from my watchful eye.

So we got back to the room and he put himself in a corner when I said I was going to tell him a story about kids not being friendly. His eyes lit up like he wanted to know more but then he did this. So I brought out the toy stuffed animals and I said they were telling a story. He didn't like that. He told me he wanted them to act out the story. So I had them talking to eachother, with one pushing the other after a different one was trying to be nice. I had them acting things out and then the one ignored the other one and found a different friend to play with and the two were merrily playing and then later the other one decided he was sorry and wanted to join. My son had a big smile on his face and then we were playing with the cars but then he was behind a toy and, as if on "cue" again, did this weird thing.

We had to use the restroom and ran and played and he had been showing me a few moves of how to move along the ground slying and up against walls and was showing different moves. His sliding under the doors was super fast. So he did this at the first visit and instead of scolding him for being on the bathroom door and not opening it properly I said, "Wow! that was a really cool move! will you show me again?" and he was happy and did it again.

Then we raced eachother, back and forth, in the bathroom. Many times and he just laughed and laughed and I swung him around a few times. He looked at himself in the mirror while I was hugging him and he hugged me even harder and then was laughing a lot.

When we went back to the room I saw how sick he was. He didn't want to eat anything and hadn't wanted to eat anything the time before, and when he's wearing the "fire" shirt on certain days, and I already know what that's about, it's not like people in Wenatchee don't know.

Most of the people in Wenatchee know what I'm talking about, and that is the sick thing,and then these same people want to allow this to continue to happen to my son and want to say I'm nuts when they already know I'm not.

I can go back to some of my notes and find out which people were around when I had this happen to me at two different hotels. One man, wearing a black shirt, came out and had the audacity to tell me when I was checking out, "Its a little bit cooler now, isn't it?" A different time there were some people from Oregon in a red construction type of truck and I wrote the number down and then a couple other persons who didn't add up. I hadn't even started naming all the people I KNOW, by NAME, who felt bold enough to stick it to me really quick, including a lawyer, who I then ignored, wondering what the point was supposed to be. There are people who use small hand held things which fit in a pocket and then there are more powerful weapons and non-lethal instruments which are used. I could list at least 10 names of people whose names I know, just in Wenatchee, who got close enough too me, just to do this to me and then when they left, the lovely sensation left with them.

The people here are completely out of control.

Literally, they are this comfortable, that they assault people, ME specifically, in public, with my knowing, and knowing I know, and in broad daylight. These are men and women who have committed crime standing right in front of me.

The other thing, I don't know how it's done. I know about a few things I haven't written about yet.

So it's inevitable that with all these people running around, who are in medical positions, former teaching positions, military positions, even lawyer positions, these people do this kind of thing and you've got police that are corrupt too, and my son is being hurt.

You wouldn't even believe how "conservative" some of the people are, who have pulled what they've pulled, on me even. But I want to be webcam streaming pretty soon so people can see how much I'm lied about before I talk more about this. I haven't heard from this one guy yet so I'm still waiting on instructions.

I'm taking a lot of notes from a historical angle too, because there are some things which I'm documenting which I know others are not willing to document. Which, I hope, future generations will be completely appalled by, if they're not worse and more corrupt. Hopefully there will be a new generation of kids who rise up under a different leadership and decided to demolish the cycle the the system. I figure if it's possible that youth were the main force in the Martin Luther King movement for civil rights, it is possible children now will be teens and then young adults who were say they didn't like the way they were raised, or brainwashed, or told to do this or that, and who will favor real liberty and democratic ideals enough to buck everything they've been brainwashed to go along with.

So then my son and I laid down and he read books to the animals, after we played on the toys with them and had them driving around in vehicles. We also had them at the command station of an air tower and doing all kinds of things. Then my son had the monkey "eating dirt" which was a cue from something else. Then we read and he wanted a book about kindness and I explained it's good to be kind and follow the golden rule,but that if people were attacking us, uncalled for, we have a right to defend ourselves. He nodded.

Then he brought up Holly as "mommy" again which just sounded like newer brainwashing. He has never been calling Holly and Pablo mommy and Dad until the last two weeks and before that, it was Pablo occasionally, and I don't appreciate it and it's not appropriate.

They will be dealing with Oliver's real "mommy" for YEARS, in COURT, if they want to go along with what they keep going along with. Not just them but a LOT of people, and I might not have money now, but I AM lining it up for later.

He also painted and did some art and he had a piggy back ride with me and was very cuddly. He gave a lot of hugs and then lots of kisses and didn't want to leave and backed all the way out of the visit, not wanting to leave.
This is the same visit where he showed me "a kiss" which wasn't from a kiss and bumps on his face.
After he left, the lawyer's secretary came in and handed me something and then said, as she was leaving, "okee dokee" which, she has read about my not liking, in my blog, and I really don't appreciate that. She wanted me to sign a form for consent to give people my MRI records and I thought, "Why am I being asked to sign forms now, when they just did whatever they wanted before and didn't get signatures for anythign?" They basically just decided they could obtain all my records, without my having a defense against it, and then share all my medical records with people in the entire state. And beyond.

So all of a sudden, after both my lawyer and CPS worker act like they know nothing about an MRI and yet this whole time THEY were supposed to schedule this so I could "comply"...

Every single thing about this case is corrupt. They've purposefully colluded, they've stalled illegally, they've cut down visitation time and backed out of having my son see me when the visit falls on a holiday, I was refused a public defender for over a year, saving the state at least $70,000 as they padded their offensive team with extra cash to try to smear me with, they pay for a security guard to be there when he's not needed...It doesn't matter what it is, this is the biggest claim of deprivation of civil rights, mixed in with criminal misconduct, that I've ever seen.

And what's with the mixed messages? First the lawyer's secretary says she'll make sure to tell Justin, my lawyer, about my son backing all the way out, and says things are going to turn around, and then she's saying "okee dokeee" pointedly as she's leaving.

Then, I'm supposed to think anyone is really trying to help?

My lawyer said he'd like to bring someone else into the matter, which is fine and sure, but MORE importantly, WHERE ARE THE MOTIONS???

Sure, it LOOKS like you're doing something to have some new guy "talk", but unless you are showing me MOTIONS that will be FILED in COURT and provide the APPEALS court something to go after, this isn't going anywhere. All the judge has to say to the new social worker guy who has a different opinion is, "I don't agree" and then nothing is in writing and filed.

I've been asking about motions for MONTHS.

I just need to get this webcam streaming going. I checked with the one guy again and he hasn't been around so I'm going to go with another group if I need to, to get it going by tomorrow. Hopefully by tomorrow. I waited to hear back from the other guy, but I'll figure it out myself tomorrow if I have to, and I found a great article about programming and networking all your own shit, and I might just do it myself.

I need everything online for everyone else to see. I mean, me, so people know that if I'm writnig about an "image" I'm not acting weird, or spacing out or having some seizure or anything and so they can see my energy level is constant and I don't have psychotic breaks and I'm very normal. My real self comes across very easily when it's live, or videotaped, because you can see my demeanor is normal. Maybe some people think I'm wearing rainbow shirts with bead curtains and smoking weed or doing something weird while I write, but I'm not, and I'm much better on interviews or in person than anything else because it's just me, and a lot gets lost in the translation when it's in writing. You can't see my face, hear my tone, or see if I'm joking about something or not.

So basically, bring on the webcam. I really DO want the world to know what's going on and what I'm really like!

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