Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wenatchee CPS Workers Invade Confidentiality

I have more evidence of invasion of confidentiality that is supposed to be with state information about my case with my son.

A lot of people knew I was going to go to a food bank to get food yesterday and then I was too late so I went today. People knew I was going there and I was told to go at "3" and Serve Wenatchee worker gave me a 50 cent piece (?) because she said she didn't have bus tokens. There's a real interesting tradition in this town with laying out 2 quarters or something about 50 cents.

So this is a "christian" organization and I went to the church where the food was and they just hand out boxes already made up. They gave me one with a lemon pudding ring on the top.

My son had just been talking about making a lemon pudding cake and we both were talking about this in our visit. Sorry, but it's not "remote visioning" it's that every single visit with my son has been broadcast to the entire town but the state and judge refuse to allow ME to document what is actually said.

So people use this information to harass me with, and play mind games, but deliberately prevent me from doing anything to help myself and my son. I took a photo of the fucking lemon pudding cake.

I was also give other things which related to my visit today, like "Snow's Clam Chowder" when I talked about the Snow Queen and snow stuff with my son for most of the visit, and Peter Pan peanut butter when I sang "You Can Fly" to my son at the visit today. Other things as well, and this is when my visits are blocked from allowing ME to document things but used to just harass me and my son.

This town is SICK. And it's not just this town either, but it's disgusting.

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