Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Image of Green Crystal Necklace

Last night right before I fell asleep I saw a necklace. It was longer than a choker, would sort of fall underneath the neck, I don't know, I'll draw it...and then it was made of lighter green crystal or some kind of gem or jewels and I think it had 3 strands together or more than one at least. It was all green. Sort of spring green color. I don't know what kind of rock or jewel but they were kind of translucent.

This was one time where I wasn't trying for any images at all. It felt almost intrusive--I wasn't in a mood to get any images but it came to me anyway and it was just this and nothing else but very concrete and full. I saw all the detail and it was this object alone. I wondered if it belonged to someone, or someone I know, or if someone is giving a gift for St. Patrick's Day, or what if it was being deliberately projected to me to receive. I don't know. I'd love to know if there is a necklace like this. I haven't seen anything in magazines or in person like this.

I just looked up some green gem colors. The beryl is too translucent and has too much white or clear to it but the very light green emerald is the right color, maybe if there is a light green tourmaline that would be close. Might be costume jewelry and not real gemstones. But not jade, not dark emerald green, not olive colored or moss toned, more of a lighter spring green like lighter emerald.

This is a terrible source, but under the green section, the color for emerald is close but it was a little bit lighter and maybe a touch more yellow, just a small bit. http://www.gemhut.com/gemidx.htm

In this guide, it's somewhere inbetween the color of a light green emerald and light peridot. It wasn't as yellow or olive colored as the peridot and not as dark or sort of blue undertone as the emerald. Anyway, that's enough description. That necklace is out there somewhere, because I saw it. What I'm curious about, is who it belongs to.


I guess when I say "intrusive" I mean, I just wanted to sleep. I was tired and not wanting to be disturbed I guess and I got this and then thought, "Oh no, I hope not more" but I fell asleep shortly after that. It crossed my mind it could belong to someone who is either a friend, or fan of sorts, OR an enemy and someone who isn't really on my side at all. More, it felt like someone had a photo and was trying to project that photo to me. No movement, just this snapshot.

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