Monday, March 8, 2010

Ohmigoodness is all I can say?

This is so weird. That's all I can say. Really, really...who is setting this all up? it had better be a living being or I'm having a chat with God.

Elizabeth looks tired--the way I feel. I'm exhausted. And her desk?! I hope no one made her arrange it like that. I hope that's just how it always is for some reason.

Things are too uncanny right now and if someone isn't playing tricks on me, my own mind is! Hmm, I should take that back.

No, really, if it isn't a set up, this is weird. I think the Queen and I might be a tiny bit kindred. I wonder if it's through some really recessive gene or something.

HOW strange. Not in a bad way, but I feel sad my situation here isn't going so well.

I'm like the Eliza Doolittle version of Elizabeth. And my desk is a mess, but if she set things up like that. Wait. Maybe it's not the usual desk. I have to find out and then I'll keep it to myself. So SO weird.

Okay, I guess a lot of people are this way so it's not that weird, I just never--I don't know.

Oh, and next to this I read that woman whose outfit I liked won the Oscar for costume design. No wonder she was creative! I didn't know what she'd won, I was too distracted noticing her outfit.

Anyway, in this one clip, the Queen has the same phone I have practically, and her calendar is set up like mine, and all of it in the same position, including the water glass. The difference is that my desk is a mess, but when it's cleared off, that's how it looks. Just like that.

I don't know if this was her own doing or someone said to set it up that way. I mean, no big deal, but who uses a phone that looks like that anymore, or a calendar, which is like mine, in the exact same locations. Even water glass!

Oh, what is even stranger...I was just thinking, about how I put my vase of flowers or greenery to the right of my desk, and I just looked again and criminy, I think I see plant leaves from the right corner.

Don't die Elizabeth!!!! (I am worried some spirit may depart from her and fully inhabit my own body). Maybe I would be a Di-Elizabeth-___________ hybrid. This is really weird.

My heart is sort of racing in a weird way. I think this is too much. Need a drink.

I should really drink more you know.

Even her curtains. I don't have them like that now, but I bought a huge piece of cloth at a good upper end store and was going to make curtains and they were that color and I draped them up temporarily and held them back with a thick cord in the same color, just like that. The cord even had large tassels at the end.

It feels like a set up almost or like the poor Queen is being set up. I wonder what happened today. My son said "Start your engines!" again at some point and I wondered if her cars were all working. Well, only because the last time my son was ssaying this, at that very moment, her car stalled and this never happens, they said.

I swear that whoever is getting to my son sometimes, one of them, someone, has a connection with the CIA or some OTHER intelligence group. I don't even want to know what else it might be. I need a drink before I finish writing up my visit with my son today.

Here's the shot of her desk:

I swear to you. Mine is set up just like this. Only these few things too when I've cleaned it up. I mean, when it's clean, this is all I have. What I DON'T have is the brass ink well and water (paperweight)? that's in the middle. Everything else is the same and in the same positions even.

I think I will drive myself nuts if this continues. I notice everything and it's a very good thing! but I saw the clip of William shooting an arrow with a blindfold and the way he chewed his inner cheek, before he took his shot, which is just like me.

I don't know that I could ever marry any of them because it might be incest. Oh, oops. Who said marry? A lot of people chew the insides of their cheeks but I do it a lot and he was doing it the exact same way. Egads. I am hoping someone is checking out my DNA for me because this is so strange, all the quirks and traits.

Really, and it really IS true I'm related to some of the royalty there (maybe from other places too? other countries? I don't know...) so depending upon HOW related I am, what if it's a lineage thing? I mean, I believe in inate and acquired behavior, but if you take twins and separate them and then bring them together again, usually they find they have some of the same quirks and interests.

It would be really interesting to see if anyone can find out through DNA these days, how related someone might be. Maybe you can only get so close but I do wonder.

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