Friday, March 5, 2010

People Trying To Sabotage My Family

I told my family that there are people who do not want me with my son, and do not want my family even to have my son.

I know exactly what is going on and my family is not to blame at all.

Some of the things that have come out of my son's mouth are NOT anything at all like something my aunt or uncle would say and I know for a fact my son is still being brainwashed by someone.

I do not like this monitor either. Anne. She's had an agenda from the first day and I noticed she smirked when my son said "my Dad says he doesn't have any money" (meant for toys) and then how she was during the rest of the visit. I just knew from the start that she wasn't on my side at all and she has done some strange things besides.

Then, today, my son did something that obviously someone told him to do, but I know for a fact that my aunt or uncle would not teach this to my son. I question how they allow my son to go on rides with strangers, even Anne is a stranger really, and do not supervise better and I feel they have and are being threatened and intimidated.

I think the whole point is to try to force my aunt and uncle to do things and claim they can keep my son if they do, and then the whole time, whoever is getting access to my son is doing things to my son or brainwashing him to say things that either I or the monitor will notice and then try to create grounds to take my son away entirely, and try to flip the tables and make it look like my aunt or uncle are to blame.

I do NOT appreciate the haughty attitude I sometimes get, and I am the mother. However, I even felt bad after saying something about my aunt chewing gum over the phone loudly because I don't think it is like her. It is more like something someone would tell them to do.

I also question all this symbolism and catholic signing stuff. I do NOT necessarily think this person is catholic, but these people or persons want me to think so. My aunt and uncle do not do the sign of the cross nor do they do a smudge for a blessing for ash wednesday and neither does my son's daycare. It is someone else.

I remember telling Christa Schneider a few things when she was pumping me for information.

One, was she wanted to know how I would least want to die.

Two, she asked me what would be the worst thing I could imagine with my son and I said, "If someone took him from me and then raised him Catholic, after all I've been through with this litigation" (because then, at least, people were, or wanted me to think, they were Catholic and they really went after me and said it was because I offended their church).

So she was very interested in this. And I find it very coicidental how all of a sudden, almost every single person involved in lying now, and trying to take my son from me, and doing weird mind games in visits, is Catholic, which I never would have noticed if I hadn't had this thrust in my face when I was served with termination papers, and if Anne hadn't done a few things. THEN, I find out the firm that was blocking me from getting anything done was entirely Catholic. Except I still wonder about Justin Titus. He wouldn't say later but at the first I thought he'd said he was raised jewish.

I think there has been a motive among some to just take my son away and give him to a Catholic family, simply because they remember I once said that I wouldn't want this to happen, long ago. I didn't think so for the longest time, but now I do.

I think people remember because of the recent things I've had thrust in my face. I didn't come up with this stuff, or drag it back up, OTHER people HAVE and they have WANTED me to notice. So it's almost like all along it was sort of a gang thing and a form of retaliation, but more than anything else, I am realizing this has been a religious thing.

Why do I say this and how do I even come to this conclusion? I could make a list. Also, to start, only a couple of months ago a man came and sat down next to me and said I never should have said anything about this, because people would find a way to take my son.

I never told my family about all of this, but I knew if they didn't back me and support me, that some group was just waiting until MY rights were terminated and then they were going to flip the tables after all that, and take my son away from even my own family too and try to have him placed elsewhere.

My son has been a target and there are people with a number of motives who have wanted to block anyone's ability to get the truth out, because there has always been an agenda.

There have undoubtedly been others, of course, from any faith or background, who have been more than a little interested in me or willing to go along with bringing me down, maybe more for gang ? or group or political reasons, or just dislike of me more than anything. I have also felt sometimes one religiuos group has tried to make some of the stuff they're doing LOOK like it's coming from a different group, just to try to drive a wedge between me and that group. I was pretty much making peace with all groups in general, I thought.

But then a lot of things from the past have recently been rubbed in my face, and it's stuff that only the old Abbey lawyers or some monks or others would know.

And for the record, I do not hold anything against Catholic people in general. I especially love the Irish, both sides, because I feel they understand that it is possible, what has happened, and regardless of what they're faith is, they know how things--even religion--still get in the way.

I'll make a list of some of the things that have happened lately. In the current monitor's defense, I have not, at least, seen the visitation notes, so I don't know if they're skewed or not. I would be pleasantly surprised if they're not and I'll check soon and write about it.

She told me today they had to move my visit from 9:30 to 10 and then kept talking about "Chris" before we had our visit.

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