Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wenatchee People Blocking Access To Any Money

Now I'm having problems even trying to get a small amount of money under a short term "disability" program which I was TOLD to apply for. However, no one told me one could apply under physical disability such as migraine, and instead were trying to push me to apply for mental disability.

So they were all ready to give me cash if I'd say I was mentally ill. But this is the second recorded time I'm having problems getting anything for physical disability.

Before my son was taken, I was then trying to get social security disability for at least 6 months because of my childbirth injuries. The state workers yelled at me and harassed me and told me they refused to help me with this and would not schedule an appointment for me to be examined for this, but they WOULD help me claim mental illness. I said no, I don't have mental illness that is "disabling"--I have physical pain and problems that are not under control.

So I found out I could receive a small amount of cash for physical disability and not have to say mental disability but the man told me, Ken Hofer, that if I did this, I might not get any money because they wanted me to apply for mental disability. It wasn't that it wasn't possible to get it for migraine, it was that he was letting me know what Wenatchee people wanted me to say.

So then I said I'd take it to the neurologist I had just seen. What I found strange was that everyone I talked to, in town, who had anything to do with my custody case, started telling me I wasn't going to get any money.

I thought this is ridiculous--I have a very well established history of severe, irretractable migraine, which has interferred with my college, work, and social events for over a decade and it should not be a problem. The ONLY time I didn't have to go to ER or that my work wasn't affected, was when I was in Bellingham and the East Coast, and I tried just a tiny bit of marijuana and it kept me from even getting migraines at all. And that was with maybe an 1/8th of a joint a month. I came back to Wenatchee, and I had to go to ER again, because there was no way of preventing my migraine and I wasn't doing any marijuana at all. It stayed in my system for a few months in Wenatchee and then they came back.

So a huge part of coming back to Wenatchee was trying to get a medicinal permit for marijuana so I could prove I am not and never was a "recreational" user and that it worked for me for medical reasons when nothing else did. I was looking at this option, because I was having migraine again.

I talked to the CPS person who basically brushed it off and then also to someone at DSHS who said I wouldn't get it right away and especially if I didn't use "general delivery" at the post office. That was Cassandra. And then I had the assistant for the Dr. who was supposed to write the evaluation say it might not go through and she knew someone who died before they got it.

I handed it in to the neurologist and expected a normal honest presentation but either he doesn't know me well enough or he is going with other people who just want to screw me over.

He said I had migraines but they didn't affect my ability to work at all. He rated them on a severity scale, with "1" which is "zero problems". Basically, it means there is no pain and no interference with work. I looked at that, and thought, "What the HELL." He said it would never affect my work and that there was nothing that could be or needed to be done, at all, to improve my condition.

He also said he thought drug use or alcohol abuse aggravated or caused them, but that he didn't recommend treatment. ?!

I don't get migraines from drug or alchohol abuse because I don't even have a problem with that. At all.

I could not believe, though, that he wrote I had zero pain or problems with them. I've had doctors in this town who thought I was having CLUSTER headaches, the most severely rated kind of headache there IS, because they were/are so bad.

So I felt fairly upset to read this because I felt it was just another attempt by Wenatchee people to prevent me from getting kind of normal assistance.

I wrote to Dr. Freed, since he knows more about my health and history of habits than anyone and asked him to review this and please write an evaluation, because this other guy either didn't want to help me, or he doesn't know enough of my history.

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