Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dreams & Images (michelle obama & queen) Last Night & Last Night

My image right before I fell asleep was of a man or boy, shoveling sliced deli meat into his mouth as if he were starving, with both hands. It was chicken or turkey and sliced thinner and sort of falling so it was ragged as it tore from dangling.

This was a real image with no provocation. The person seemed so hungry I figured they were in some kind of starvation or hostage position. To me, it seemed to be a man. It was a white man or boy.

I just gave my aunt and uncle food to give my son which I bought and some of it, there was some deli sliced roasted chicken meat (organic) so it better not have something to do with my son, but I don't think so. I think it was some other man and the sliced stuff was thinner.
I had dreams last night which included both the Queen and Michelle Obama. The part with Michelle was that she was deeply sad and suffering. She never looks sad, but in my dream, she was weighed down deep in her spirit and sad. Then right after that I saw a flash (dreaming) of her as a little girl and very happy and precocious, or in such a moment.

I dreamed about her in the beginning or middle of night. I hadn't thought about any of them that day or recently.

Then the dream about the Queen was this morning for me, and in it I was on the computer and the t.v. was going and the Queen sat in a chair next and didn't say a word. No one was speaking at all and she was wearing a dark purple shirt.
I just got up because this homeless man was walking out and I was going to see where he went and if he had something to eat and as I did, right after writing this, I saw the back of a blue t-shirt with the words "Barak Obama".
In my dream with the Queen, it was right before I woke up. It didn't look like the Queen. It wasn't her shade of hair or anything, it was like someone else but represented the Queen and it was the Queen but she just looked different. She had dark brown hair but it was very short and she was about 60 or so.
Also, last night, I had trouble trying to write what happened with my Ex on East Coast. Someone erased it and then some other person came over and sat down to talk and offered to get breakfast or something to eat. It was like a rehash of what would happen on the East Coast all the time.

I had people sometimes taking me out, but always in the periphery, some group just checking up on me one way or the other.
Last night it was another Marine or military and his Dad was in the Navy, or grandfather, and it was just strange. He walked by looking new to town so I said something and then I noticed he was using his left hand, but when I first saw him he used his right. I said, "You're a lefty?" and he said, "Ambidextrous."

So then I asked questions because he happened to not care and I tried guessing different things, which I'll write out. At the end, I said I thought he had been concealing things most of the time, but sometimes was telling the truth. When I said that, I sensed it very strong in my spirit, and I knew it was right. It was the feeling I get when I feel connected to God, but there are many times there is no "feeling" with this and it doesn't matter. i amy have also crossed some wires or picked up on something for someone else as well, but I will write out what I said and let others be Judge since I don't know what was true or not.

I prayed in the last couple of days, for something that I could say, sometime, that would be so meaningful, it would cause someone to cry. In a good way. But if that happened, I don't know and have no idea.
Sidenote: just sitting here today, a few normal people driving by, but some, I swear to GOD, these adults act like they are about 6 years old with their expressions and harassment.
Last night, after I talked to this one guy, who was shorter and white and military, I noticed a lot of hispanics driving by, more than anything, and harassing, but I don't know if that's bc they thought somethign I'd writtten about an ex, or if they knew the guy I was talking to or if they didn't and thought something else was funny. It was mainly a few latinos on the road last night and then I noticed a few others and some Jewish, which was interesting, because I knew Jewish, there was something, and yet he was frmo the South and Arizona he said, and...Well, I will go from the start.

The first thing I got, after he told me he was a Marine, was something about a submarine. I saw a large silver or grey submarine. Marines are not usually on submarines. They are on ships and on land and not usually in subs. That would be Navy, more commonly.

So I asked and he said there was something that went underwater and he was on a very large ship. He said certain parts would submerge completely underwater and I didn't tell him what color I got and I didn't want him to mess with me or say one thing or the other so I said, "What color?" and he said the ship was "grey". I said, "That's the color I got". But it confused me about how I would get this massive grey submarine when he was saying it was just a large grey ship. Then later, after he talked some more I asked if he had other family in the service and he said his grandfather and someone else and I asked which one his grandfather was in and he said "Navy" and I said, "So did he go in a submarine?" and he said "Maybe, yeah, probably." I asked if he was still alive and he said no. He said it waas his Dad's Dad. WWII.

He said he was from Arizona but he had a more southern accent than that and I asked what part of the South and he said North Carolina. I said I could see him on the porch of a large white Southern house, with a mint julep in hand. Not an image, just impression sort of thing.

I then , as he was talking, said I saw something about a hanging. He said to me, "Your eyes just sort of darkened up" and I said, "I just had something come to mind." He said what and I said, "Something about a hanging." He said I was going way back in time(like south) and I said it seemed more like something that happened to a guy in the military, that someone he knew, or somehow, he knew someone, who had hanged himself.

He said no and I said, "You haven't known ANYONE that hanged himself?" and he then said yes he did. He said he didn't know the guy though, not well. So I guess it happened right after boot camp and he said it wasn't someone in his main group, which had like 200 people, but was in the battalion which has more like 2,000 and everyone heard or knew about it.

I also got something about a Temperpedic mattress. Which turned out to be a weird thing to ask but I wasn't thinking about it like that. I wasn't thinking of anything romantic at all, but it was a Friday night and he was a single guy and he must have thought, what?! because I said, "What kind of mattress do you have?" and he grinned and said it was a Queen size. I said, "No, don't get the wrong idea...I only asked about mattress because for some reason "temperpedic" came to mind and I don't know why. So I thought maybe it was the brand name of your mattress"

He said "Maybe, I'll have to check later but I don't think so." I said I wouldn't thnk so either but it came to mind and I said, "So what is a temperpedic for anyway?" and he said something about a bad back.

I also, outside, got something about Jewish, either he was or friends were or something periphery. But he was this "country boy" from Arizona and N.Carolina, still, I got something about that. I told him when we'd gone to the restaurant and I noticed we sat right next to some people who were and I ordered sirloin tips not knowing this was the smae place he'd just ordered sirloin tips. The waitress and everyone recognized him because I picked out the place he'd just been at. And then I ordered what he had just had to eat, not knowing it was the same place.

Outside still, I had "Walter Chroncite" come to mind. I asked and confirmed that was a journalist and what were his main beats? and asked if he liked him or his parents did or something. I didn't know why I got Walter Chroncite. So then he said this guy was from the 70s. I said, "Did he cover Watergate?" and he said he didn't know.

He said what did I get about his mom and I couldn't think of anything. The first thing that came to mind was hair and then I had said nothing about hair and he said, "She was a beautician." I said, "Really? because the only thing that came to mind was hair."

I said, "Did she have wigs?" and he said he didn't think so but seemed taken back by the question. I said, I didn't know because I just saw a small idea about hair and thought they were maybe wigs that go on those maniquin heads. I saw blond hair. And then sort of strawberry blond hair, but didn't know if it had anything to do with anything.

I also asked if she was President of any organzations or charities because this came to mind. He said no, and that she was involved in charities but not President. I said I could see her giving speeches comfortably. He said he didn't know but he knew she could light up a room with her presence.

I asked about a white goose. I asked him if he had ever had geese and he said no, pheasant and things but no goose. I said, "You never had like, a long necked, white goose?" and then he said he did when he was very little. He said it's name was Honky. I don't know if he was just pulling my leg on that or not but said he had 2 white gooses and they had a farm and had a lot of animals. I said did you wring the neck of the goose or something about the goose dying and he said it was mauled. I thought maybe it's neck had to be wrung to quit the suffering but he said it was just attacked. But it was a white long necked goose, it was pure white. It wasn't a pheasant.

Then I asked if he knew someone named "Cassidy" and he said no but he liked the stories about "Hop-a-long Cassidy" and I said who is that, and he said that's a character in Louis L'Mour novels which he'd said earlier that he liked--he liked that author he said. I have or had never heard of hop a long cassidy.

He asked me if I'd ever been to the Vortex, some place in Arizona. I said no and he was saying there was power there or something.

Then at one point, he looked one direction and I said I could see him in a cowboy hat. He was wearing a baseball hat. But he said he had one and I saw a beige straw one and waited for him to tell me what color it was and he said it was that color, the one he had here at least. He said he had other ones but that's the one he had here. He said it had a black band with a copperhead snake on it and I said I didn't get that, I just got some darker colored band in general, that was darker than the rest of the hat, and a beige straw type.

The last thing that I got was something about "a princess" but I did not say a word about it to him. It was one of the last impressions I got but I said nothing. I didn't know if it was a term he had for someone or someone close to him had, or something else, but I did get this phrase "a princess". I got that at the restaurant still.
It is possible, that if this did not refer to him, it referred to something at the house where I'm staying because I also had the glimpse of a diaper and then when I got back there were princess pictures in the new room where I was sleeping. So for all I know, someone could have said, "let's put a princess picture here" and I picked up on it. I know I picked up on something about that. I know because I was not thinking anything along these lines and it came to me in the way where I know it's right about something. I just don't know what. I didn't know if it had to do with someone's nickname for someone like "princess" (italian, spanish, english, jewish) for their daughter or someone or what. But I got the reference.

I also told him earlier, I know you're from the South and Arizona and it wouldn't make sense that you're Jewish, but since you asked about your mom I wonderd if she was or if you know someone who is or a group because when we were still outside at first, that flashed to my mind, about some kind of connection. He said no he wasn't.

It may have been about the room I was going to sleep in, because I got diaper and later princess too. When I got the diaper thing I said, "Do you have a baby?" and he said no, he had an older daughter and I said, "Oh, I had this impression of a diaper and I didn't know if it was for a baby you had, or this baby of the people I'm staying with, or if some adult was getting hazed by being made to wear a diaper or what."

I had asked him if he thought the military guys hanging was due to hazing. The diaper impression DID not follow that, it was much later and I was joking about it. I actually had more of an impression of a MAN in a diaper, but then figured it had to be about a child. I didn't see a man though. I had noo impression of what man. I was thinking it was either much older, in 80s or maybe a young man in 20s being hazed or it was to do with the baby that wears diapers where I stay.

I think I had one or two crossed wires with him possibly, like I picked up on something about someone else nearby or connected to me or sending or something. Who knows. The other thng I got which he did say was NOT right, was something about "Did you ever read cartoon books about Martians or space stuff?" and he said no, he was into "louis l'mour" stuff.

When I left, I had a bad feeling. A sadness and bad feeling about something, but I don't know what. He asked about the Jewish thing I think and I said I knew many on the East Coast but when I brought up anyone from Israel, he got uncomfortable. I don't know why. It was like Americans, any religion, no big deal, but Israel mattered in some way good or bad.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Okay, I'll take a look.

I guess I'll add here, as I forgot to mention in the main text of my blog post here, that then I told this guy I saw him with a camper and he said yeah and talked about some situations about a camper on his truck. Talked for 15 minutes or more and when he finished I said, "No, well, that's cool, but that's not the kind of camper I saw. I saw more of a camper where it's like a mobile style one but short and it is pulled by a truck." He said, "I got one after the military but I haven't had one in 10 years." I said, "That's what I was getting though." I said what color was it? because what I saw was white with some kind of darker stripe and he said, "White, with a brown stripe." I said, "I sort of saw white with a green stripe but didn't know the other color." He seemed shocked by this, but I wanted to add this before I forgot!

Now let me take a look at your blog...