Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This Morning & last night impressions

I was going to wear a checkered shirt today, that has green in it but I couldn't because it smelled like cat. I put it on and took it off after it smelled too bad. I think when it fell off the hanger the cat slept on it. It reeked. So I wore something else even though I tried the other thing on. Tried on 2 checkered shirts actually.

Anyway, I had some weird impressions last night. I wasn't praying or focusing for anything but I saw kid stuff. I figured it must be psychic kid stuff.

I saw a stegosaurus and dinosaurs while I was thinking about my son. Lots of dinosaur stuff, maybe figures to play with or maybe a book, not sure.

Then I saw a child's face, staring at me. Just the face. I thought maybe it was a girl but I don't know who. I later got something about lily but I thought it might be from a russian source and got more of Ivan Illyich. I think he's a character in Dosteovesky's Crime & Punishment.

And then I saw someone on the toilet and thought she needed more fiber or something. I wasn't trying to get this woman at all, esp. not on the toilet.

Right after seeing her, I saw a monkey stuffed animal tucked lying down in a child's basinet or cradle. More of a doll cradle. Like a wood one. I wondered if it was something from this woman's childhood or something else.

I saw Vladimir Putin with a handerchief on his person. I don't imagine him with handkerchiefs, but I guess it's possible, in a pocket or something.

All of these things were from lying down for a minute at about 9 p.m. PST while waiting for beets to add to a soup. It was sort of a borscht. But I don't know, because I've never made Borscht before and I just threw some things together bc this guy was going to eat a t.v. dinner and I said he should have cabbage.

I was trying to make it fast and at leat edible, not the best ever. It was made with all fresh ingredients though, nothing canned. I am also a new convert to using vanilla bean instead of flavoring where possible. I like what the bean does (for desserts).

I first made a tomato base with fresh tomatoes by boiling them in a pot with onions, some kind of low heat green pepper (I like it but I don't know what kind it is and will have to look it up) and salted and added a heap of paprika and a little black pepper. I also added whole garlic cloves. Then I strained all of it after it was thickened and the tomatoe juice was out and threw away all the skins from the tomato and most of the onions but saved a bit and kept the garlic cloves.

I had a thin, fairly seedless and skin-free tomato base that was very flavorful.

Then I added chopped up carrots and celery and cabbage. I put in the carrots first, bc they would take longer to cook, and then celery and then added the cabbage last. I wanted more cabbage but didn't want to use it all because it was expensive organic cabbage and I would rather use another kind for soup stock.

Then I said I wanted beets and I used beets and added and then I added a spoonful of sauerkraut because of not having much cabbage and thought a little vingegar wouldn't be bad.

It was good! Too many beets in the end but could be doctored up. I gave him his straight and with mine, I cut up a small wedge of butter and put it in the bottom of my bowl. It was fresh organic sweet cream butter. So I then ladled my soup over the little pat of butter and it added a little fat and is good with the vinegar and beet combo.

I don't really know what kind of soup I made but it was good.

I don't have hardly any spices and the only one I felt comfortable adding to this was paprika. It worked out.

Just looked up borscht on wiki. Yeah, I made something like that! mine was better before I added too many beets though, when the tomato base came through more. I guess I haven't seen any variation with a little heat (peppers) but it's probably done here and there. I will have to look up who uses paprika too. It was the only other spice I used besides pepper and salt.

I used a lot of tomatoes to make the base first. It was pretty hearty. Then I served it with flat bread on the side, which was there, and toasted it under broil for a few minutes in the oven.

Oh! just looked up the peppers I used and they were Poblano. I only used about 1/8th of one and it was a nice subtle heat. I liked it. Now that I know they're poblanos I should make a chili rellano sometime.

I just looked up use of chili pepper (light) in borscht and it's done! and so is the pat of butter in the bowl before serving, in some cultures. Also, I found paprika is a common ingredient. Some even make it with a little saeurkraut too.

Many versions are made with tomato base strained too.

So, kind of weird, because I did a lot of those things with no recipe and just from intuition.

I once worked for a woman who made borscht but I never watched her make it so I can't claim to have ever witnessed it being made before.

Mine was made pretty fast and with veggies but I see, upon looking, that meat bones can be used so since I just bought some organic beef bones I might make a soup later that is using this as well. Maybe for next week. I got them for soup but didn't know what kind I was going to make and I could try a variation with the beef stock.

I really liked the vegetarian kind though. It was really good and felt like eating instant health. I don't know if anyone could catch a cold if they eat this all the time.

It was also very filling even though it was vegetarian. And the guy (platonic by the way) who ate it said this morning, "Last night I slept like a rock" and I said, "It was the borscht". I gave him a dark bread pudding for dessert. It's good for diabetics I think (the bread pudding) because it has so many egg yolks and they have sulfur which is good for insulin production.

The other ideas that came to mind, which I didn't use with the soup, were sour cream (which I used in other dishes a lot) and then I almost thought about deviled eggs because I was using paprika and I thought maybe hard boiled eggs would be a nice side dish. But I didn't end up making them. Just stayed with the soup and bread.

I didn't shred anything. I am reading sometimes the veggies are shredded but I think I like the idea of heartier vegetables but I do like the idea of straining some things out for a base first. I mainly cut the cabbage lengthwise (sort of short strips) and then chopped carrots and celery like normal and cubed the beets.

Hmm, maybe the idea of grating the beets is good though. It was too strong of a beet flavor the otherway. But I also needed more of the other ingredients. I don't know. I like larger pieces of cabbage. I don't think I would shred the cabbage, but I like them in strips, not chopped into squares. I guess I might grate something if I were using it for stock or base first, but I don't think I would grate any of the veggies for a borscht. Maybe sometime, to try something different, but I don't see the point. I think it's better as a heartier stew-soup but with some things left out which could be strained first.
This morning I made a very fast breakfast. I wasn't hungry, but I made use of leftover egg whites for eggs. I said "what do you want? eggs or cereal?" and he said eggs so I put a very small amount (1 tsp or less) of organic oil into an iron skillet since I was making it fast, and turned the heat onto high. There was just enough oil to spread throughout the pan and I poured egg whites to fill the pan completely about a half inch. Then I took the bowl of leftover salsa that I made awhile ago with peppers, onion, and tomato and poured the rest out (half cup) onto one side of the whites. Then I added grated cheddar cheese and let it sit. Grabbed a piece of bread and broke off half and toasted it and while it was toasting I turned over the whites and scrambled them very lightly (just folded or turned over a few times) and then it was done by the time the toast was done. It took only a few minutes. I put jam on the table and gave him silverware. I'm not setting the table. I just say, "Hold out your left hand" and then "hold out your right hand" and as long as he has a fork and a knife for his fists, it looks like he's ready to eat. And if you want mor than two pieces of silverware, you'd better grow some more hands. (no, just kidding, I didn't and haven't done that. I am just making myself laugh)
I made a vanilla bean thing and left it in the oven for the fragrance. I think someone thought I was had burned it but no, vanilla cooks well and is fragrant. I meant to do that. I did. Sort of funny too, that everything that is vanilla flavored is cream or white colored too, because the vanilla bean is dark brown or black. Wouldn't it be weird to start buying black colored vanilla ice cream? Probably, vanilla can be a light color or a dark color and it could go either way. Oh, maybe the cream color is for the vanilla blossom or something. Probably for the flower.
When I made my East Indian basmati rice with curry and saffron, I had the incense burning close when I was putting it into little tuperware dishes, and at first I thought about moving it and then decided, no, it might be more authentic with "essence of India" (or nag champa). It wasn't really smoking onto it but I figured if there is incense in the air in general, it could affect something just a small bit, as it's environmental. But probably no big deal.
I wore a solid red plain long-sleeved shirt today with brown scarf to go with brown boots, and dark blue skinny jeans and red lipstick. Not much eye make up bc of bright red lipstick. I almost wore white but everything I had that was white needed to be washed. Almost wore checkered stuff too but smelled like cat.
I looked up a ton of stuff about borsch, borscht, and br'sht. Ukranian, Russian, Jewish, Polish, German, Mennonite, Hungarian, Chinese, and all the variations and couldn't find hardly anything on naval borscht. Then I looked up paprika and found it's from the chili pepper (which I didn't know but mine is mild) which probably works well with the poblano incidentally and in some cultures they crack open a chili pepper before serving the borscht. I am now looking up the lotus flower. I was thinking how I don't have any perfume and lotus came to mind but I don't think it's a fragrant flower. I was thinking if I were wearing a perfume today what would it be and the lotus came to mind but I don't know that this flower has a scent.

I forgot to mention, that while I saw different things, last night, while not really focusing, this classical song came on and I don't know if it was the song or something else, but I saw a lot of hummingbirds. I saw them in motion and it may have just been inspired by the classical music. They appeared to be in an atrium or something though. I saw them more than once and there were more than one. It could have been another kind of bird but I thought hummingbirds.
I looked up photos of main leaders and couldn't be sure of photos of Vladimir from yesterday but I think I found Michelle and Obama but not sure. With gold dress and blue tie but don't know yet.
This is a little bit weird, because on one hand I noticed the pattern on my waterfall drawing matched someone's tie design but something that is sort of strange, is seeing a medal that was awarded to someone by Princess Anne, which is on the british site. I say strange to me, because...this is really strange but I was just drawing a random collage of things for my son and the last thing I filled in was a little space right above the bird's beak. I left it open and just white for a long time and filled it in last, with night sky colors to match. But I had considered coloring in the spot yellow and then I thought, "no, there is a sun already" and a little yellow crown came to mind but it had no meaning to me and what I was making for my son so eventually I just filled it in. I think that maybe somehow, I was drawing for my son and just what came to mind and maybe in some way while I was debating what to add in this little space at the top, I maybe intercepted someone's medal or something. Not knowing but just came to mind. Sort of strange, esp. with timing, but maybe it was my subconscious kicking in. The space was even the same kind of size to allow for one but I decided against it. It did come to mind though, and I wasn't sure why. I think it was one of those crossing wire psychic pick ups somehow. I mean, I really thought about it and for a minute thought, "Christ the King?" and then just decided there was already yellow though I wanted to show the bird moving towards something and then had it parting the sky in a sense instead. But I thought, no, I don't want to add a crown when I am already ribbed about all this royalty stuff. I figured someone might see it and there would be some kind of misinterpretation of my intentions in my drawing. Now I think I possibly picked up on stuff somewhere. I wonder whose eyes. ? Do I have double vision or something?

That is seriously weird. Maybe I have been sometimes getting things that The Princess Anne gets? I wonder if she's psychic? maybe they all are. I have no idea, but that is seriously weird.

A lot of people see these things though, so maybe it was someone else in the room or who saw the photos or who received one or who knows.

I even saw the crown in the same way, in my mind's eye, where I kept that space. Same approximate size in proportion as well. So, so weird.

I wish I could figure out how to do a time match up and see what time I was drawing this thing in comparison.

Oh my gosh. That woman I was drawing was me, right? I mean, it was supposed to be me and my son and it was but after I drew her I even thought about Princess Anne. I'm not kidding. She just flashed to mind and I thought, "I sort of drew my hair like photos of Anne's hair when she was younger." I also wore my hair part up for dances and things when I was younger and haven't done it this way in awhile but Anne did come to my mind when I was looking at the painting later.

I had not seen the images from the royal gallery though and had no idea. They were just fleeting thoughts.

Well no matter what, it was for my son. But if it got infused with something else too, I guess that was maybe God's plan because I prayed first, to draw what God would inspire me to draw and I had no forethought into it. It just evolved.

That is really, really, weird. Cool! but so weird, for me even. Almost like seeing Obama's femur. But that was something I asked for and focused on. This other thing was maybe more like inspired automatic drawing (instead of writing) or something.

Now I am wondering why I had the pearl necklace come to mind. I sent off a note to my son, with the drawing, and told him it was something between us, a circle that symbolized how our bond never ends and that it was precious. (I haven't been able to see him, but I just sent it off to him).

I wouldn't think it's that remarkable or that it stood out, if I didn't know for myself how I had this crown idea come to mind and then later seen this photo of the Chef, Prue, who got her CBE.

I just now was looking at the surroundings around her, to see if I could pick up on anything else and I guess I saw pillars and I almost put pillars on either side but instead made them rose-violet trees of sorts. I had the idea of roses and violets because I had asked my mother what she would like for a small gift and she said maybe something that went with her house decor, something with roses or violets.

I know I made this drawing before I saw the images. Because I saw the other images of Anne with the blue and yellow suit and hat and thought it was very "cat in the hat" and she looked good in the photo.

I know it was evening when I made it and it was dark out. I spent an hour ? on it and took my time. That was a night that someone was frying me too, and then zapped me with a fucking laser when I then left and went to the Safeway. (the red laser dot on my keyboard day)

Hmm. I wonder why.

I THINK though, that Obama & Michelle are taking me a little more seriously now though. I feel there may be better protection for my son, I hope.

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