Monday, October 4, 2010

Webcam Back (my drawing)

I accidentally I think this is the same one as at the end, but can't figure out how to delete without editing whole group. Anyway. It just kept going and took different meanings.

In my last card I made to my son, I had him facing me with our arms around and then with him in a Cars shirt and holding a tractor and then bookshelf and his drawings on the wall and a fish. Then in a different one, a smiley face and hearts with a lot of animals. I am going to do one with a duck next probably. have a lot of ideas. But this one came from I don't know where.

This is a side angle and you would have to flip it to see rightside up or other way. I guess I'll leave meaning to individual interpretation. One part that had a little more movement and I accidentally stagnated is the olive branch holding the scales and it had a little more of a lift with the bird rising but then I put my son and I upside down because under the scales of justice, we are still forced to wait for what is just, but there are also elements of hope.

I have some photos, one of the full thing and others more close up but I couldn't center it right. This is the angle with the woman (me) on the right and reaching out to my son who is on the left (with a pearl necklace as a circle of our bond and precious things).

I am NOT wrong about the laser stuff, but I may have been wrong about my webcam missing. Not sure. I told some relatives but didn't give a lot of detail, just said it was gone but maybe that was because I was operating my laptop in "safe" mode (hitting F8 key first).

So I wondered if some things don't show up when you're in that mode maybe.

I told them about the other things that had happened last night (which is just one thing after the other, and it happens all the time--I just don't always have other forms of evidence to go along with it in my testimony to be able to support what could be the cause).

I made a really horrible drawing but I thought I might share it because I didn't know what I was drawing and just asked God to help me draw whatever what might be inspired or have meaning in some way and this "thing" developed which is really not art and is a terrible representation of my skill, and it's busy, but I thought I would share it as something that was more out of an idea than coming from an attempt to use any talent (which I have more of depending on my mood and patience and focus I guess).

At one point, it looked okay and then it just sort of got out of control. The turtle at the bottom was originally just with feet down but I realized it looked like he had thumbs up so I laughingly added this while thinking he looked like Christopher Hitchens. Every time after that, I cracked up laughing. Then, the cat is blowing bubbles but I thought, when I made him the cat that blew bubbles which contained stars in the middle, that the bubble circle around the star looked like little pentagrams and this wasn't my intention but was how it turned out and then I laughed thinking, "And there's his wand--the bubble blowing stick."

The boy was suppose to be my son but at one point it looked like a sleuth attempting to take the pearls from the woman or giving them back to her secretly. So I sort of left the face ambiguous.

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