Saturday, February 13, 2010

Amy Bishop: Government Recall?

I am wondering who the "person of interest" is that keeps getting referred to. Is this supposed to be her husband?

I read something from a blog today which was pretty good, and they went on to say how she was maybe discriminated against by being from Harvard. I noticed that too, how so much attention was paid to her being from Harvard. So what?!

I was also thinking, what she was saying was so unusual. She was quoting as saying, "It didn't happen, there's no way...they are still alive."

Either she's completely lost it, or what?

I feel like it's deja vu in a repetition of the denials that anything ever happened to me and my son or continues to happen. "No way. It didn't happen. There's no way. Look, they are still alive." People on the East Coast were shocked to see that I was still alive.

Anyway, I wonder. And then in her mug shot, why is one of her eyes droopy? Is that her mug shot? If it is, why is one eye totally different from the other one? Is she having a migraine? has she had a stroke? did something else happen to her?
I just read this. This one gets weirder and weirder. She shot her brother and he died, 20 years ago, and all the records went missing? That is so strange. I guess if she was a juevie, and it is possible? it was an accident, but she shot 3 times, so maybe an accident in the sense that she thought it was an intruder? I don't get it, and then the article has been changed because the byline first said she shot her brother in the back or something? and then it says chest. I don't know.

This will be one interesting case. I seriously wonder what was going on though, and I want to know about her eyes. She literally has one eye that is barely open and the other is normal. What is the droopy eye about? If it's always there, and never changes, okay, but how did it happen? and if not...why did she have that droopy eye?

I notice things like this because sometimes small details are important. For example, if she had a hemmorhage or stroke at the time this happened, she might have a defense of some kind of brain disorder, you just never know. Was she having a migraine? if so, what was she doing at the meeting with the migraine? Was she assaulted in some way which caused this effect? There might be different triggers. I would be interested in seeing other photos of her, from before that day.
I just looked up her profile page for the University and there is NOTHING wrong with her eyes there. They are the same.

In this article, she has a little bit of a crazy look in the first photo where she's being put in the police car, but look at her profile photo. There is nothing wrong with her eyes.

In the other article, this one with Amy Bishop, the photo of her shows her right eye (our left) as droopy and different from the other eye. The rest of her face is balanced but there is something wrong with her eye. So I'm wondering what this photo is from--if it's a mug shot or if it is from something else or some other day?

And on one hand, the story about shooting her brother, it could have been a total accident. One officer remembers differently but it's anyone's guess and some may just be trying to bring up old stuff to make her sound even worse, when it is possible that it was entirely an accident. No one knows. She was obviously functional as a wife and as a professor for some time so when she went off or what happened, I don't think anyone knows yet.

I'm intrigued by the eye though. It could be pointing torwards a neurological issue which might play into her defense. She'll have to have an MRI and a PET.
I was also thinking, the one photo where she looks kinda crazy and is getting into the car, the other woman has her back to us and is talking to her and for all we know, could be saying something really crazy herself. The woman in white could have said something very disturbing to Amy and then Amy got that look. Because before, in the profile photo, before she gets in the car she still looks normal. Yeah, maybe she loooks crazy because she is, but I don't think anyone knows the whole story yet.

What I find a little strange is that one of Quantico's top profilers, who is retired FBI and works in Arlington, VA, was so quick to talk about her, and even call her "paranoid". What did she say or do to indicate she was paranoid? Do she and her husband have a reason to feel paranoid?

On one hand, this is a cut-and-dried "losing it" nutso case, and on the other hand, you have a functioning woman who is also married (not that this makes a difference as it's my opinion marriage doesn't indicate stability anymore than it is a possible risk factor for stability). She went to Harvard and she's not just doing any kind of research. She's done work for the government, if I understand correctly, and she's a neuroscientist which isn't that common. If she's a neuroscientist from Harvard, doing research on the side, at a University with a major Army base and NASA base, is this straight up nutso lady or was she herself even being harmed in some way or is someone wanting to call her paranoid because she might have information about something the general public is not supposed to have? Most likely, she's straight up lost it. However, it might be a case of "A Beautiful Mind" losing it. And it's important to know about her eye and what's going on there.

I looked her work up and the kind of work her colleagues did and it wasn't your basic work. The University of Alabama is host to the following organizations:
Cummings Research Park
Redstone Arsenal (Army)
and they are in partnership with the the Department of Defense.

These professors/researchers published in the National Institute of Health Department's sites, and she was studying the effects of nitric oxide on the nervous system (hence such an eye?). Imagine, just imagine, the kind of wars which are waged with the science people that hate eachother. Anyway, she was studying nitric oxide on the CNS (central nervous system). Her husband was and is the Chief Director for Cherokee Labs. These are not run-of-the-mill professors. If you remember, John Nash, who the book "A Beautiful Mind" is written about, was a professor and also a researcher for the U.S. government on nuclear projects.

The people who died were publishing reports on similiarly intense topics, but done on plants and animals of course (at least to start).

I haven't looked that far into it, and I might later, and I'll have to correct this too, but Gopi Podila studied genetics and the effects on plants and animals in resisting abiotic and biotic disease or process and the ability of plants to sense and adapt to their environment. Maria Davis studied the function and response of plants in "stress" from drought and the other guy published a lot about pancreatic function and how the nervous system controls these functions, studies about the effects of gender and reproductive status on certain enzymes, and then also did some experimental research on "maximizing embryo yields while minimizing hyperemic uterine conditions", basically, getting rabbits to super-ovulate. I'll have to explain this all better later, and elaborate.

So this was the Biology department, and the research is geared torwards plants, animals, and humans, with plants and animals sometimes being used first to experiment with before experimenting on humans to test a real application for humans.

So this is why I ask more questions when some big shot guy from Arlington and Quantico wants to call her paranoid all of a sudden. Depression and being disgruntled, sure, but why paranoid? What indicators did she have of paranoia and were they rational or not?

It doesn't excuse what happened, but it makes it more interesting, as to motive exactly. I also did a little research on the Research center and the Army and NASA components and they are not small parts. If you look up Redstone Arsenal, you will find a website full of information about what they do--it's a specific department.


Anonymous said...

Amy Bishop was mentally ill with an apparent history of violence. She was also disliked by colleagues and seeking tenure. Will workplace mobbing and community-based harassment be investigated in this case?
The 86 page unclassified Fort Hood report does not mention motive. This after numerous press reports of systematic harassment in the days following the incident. Will Amy Bishop's story be another political cover-up of the societal sickness producing these events?

Mama said...

Dear Anonymous,

Hmm, I didn't realize there was a Fort Hood report. Might have to look into that. I think this case will be fascinating to follow.

I am not absolutely convinced she was mentally ill. If she is, it will help her defense, but, well maybe she is, but maybe she isn't. I would guess, from the things dredged up, that she is, however, I don't know if they can technically be used against her if she was cleared.

What is interesting to me, is what you've mentioned...this idea of community harassment which might be absolutely right, and then also, I'm sort of interested in how she and her husband did a lot of research in human biochemistry. When this is linked to government experiments, I don't know...some of these experiments, if they're anything close to the MK-Ultra work, well, you might find a worker or two that feels it's morally wrong and act out in a sense of outrage on behalf of the public. It may be that she felt she was being a martyr for a very good cause.

I'm paying close attention to this one because another thing is, she was refused tenure months before the shooting.

She was exceptionally smart and had access to things the general public probably does not have access to. She worked at a Children's hospital, so it's possible she has a sensitive side to her that cares about human issues and if she knew about something that was going on which she felt was morally wrong, she could be like one of those animal activists but instead, she felt she was acting on behalf of people and even children.

I wonder what the deal is with her eye still. If she had mental illness, that will come up but it sounds like everyone thought she was normal.

I DO believe she may have been harassed. It is very difficult for smart women to get by without being harassed, especially if others don't understand the person, are jealous, or feel the other is "different" in some way. She'd written novels, made patented discoveries, and was a teacher and researcher and this could have been intimidating to others. There is still strong discrimination against smart people, and I think it's particularly hard for women. So she might have been harassed as others tried to bring her down to size, or their size, and then at the same time she was discovering all of this horrible things that were being done.

Knowing these things, she would know she could go to jail, but that it would be better to be nuts than to admit it was premeditated and for what she felt was a public wrong. If she spoke about government or criminal use of science, she might also be concerned about a broader retribution which would or could extend to her family and friends and others.

However, if she did or does have information, and can get it to the public, it would make for an amazing story and possibly a sort of defense therein, but she probably knows it could be covered up too readily and denied.

I don't know. I think there will be many facets to this story.

Will look up the Fort Hood report.

Thanks for your comments!

Mama said...

I was looking for the Fort Hood report. I see it's unrelated to Amy, but forgot for a moment what it was regarding.

Do you have the link? I find something about an unclassified bio and I'll try reading that, but I don't know where to find everything.