Thursday, February 18, 2010

Evidence of Breach Of Confidentiality (photos)

This is going to be very small but it shows I'm not making things up when I say my visits with my son are broadcast to the community. People knew I was going to pick up some food and were expecting me. When I got there, there was a premade box with items in it that matched things my son and I talked about in our visit.

My son and I talked about a lemon pudding cake and the first thing on the top of the box was a lemon pudding cake (see photo).

I'll show the larger box and then the items that were inside.

And then I will describe the kinds of thing this town has done to try to symbolize certain foods or "meat" with different ex boyfriends I've had, and yes, they've done this. What the people here have done is nuts and they wanted me to go along with it and if it was all mind games, they went out of their way. What is weird is that most of their ideas were coming from things they thought they were getting from the East Coast or from me. They used my last 3 boyfriends to make reference to: Alvaro (Colombian), Chris Dabney, and Chris Rozollo. They also used people that I was staying with in Wenatchee temporarily, to base their games off of. They also made reference to The Sterlings, or Tancers, who are originally from here (one side), and to some guy named Andy from Seattle. And things that happened to me in Seattle were then repeated in Wenatchee. Almost the entire town has been involved in this. They referred to an ex boyfriend Robin as well.

Here are more of the photos. In this town, these people have made "pork" to symbolize Alvaro. I got two things of pork. They've had this thing of "pork" is for Alvaro, steak is for Chris Dabney, roast beef for Chris Rozollo, BBQ is for William of Wales I guess (though I don't know how he got lumped in). They would set the room up with all these things that stood for one particular ex boyfriend and then my son would come in wearing colors to symbolize and bringing in a sandwich to symbolize. It has been bizarre.

Wait, I need to go back to the food that I was given right after last visit. So I was given this lemon pudding cake. I'll put down the photo of the box and then the chowder--talked about the Snow Queen in a large part of our visit and I got "Snow's chowder":

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