Thursday, February 18, 2010

image: Babylon & Documentation Of Calls In 2007

I closed my eyes and waited to see what came to me. I wanted a passage to read and Jeremiah came to mind but I thought it was more imagination. And then Babylon came to mind, that this country has become a Babylon, claiming it is as good as God.

I saw just building up, as if to ascend to the heights and making idols and putting other things as priority but forsaking where the blessing came from in the first place.

I am not anti-American, at all, but the only time anyone ever gave me a break was when I was going to marry Alvaro and he was going to become a citizen. Since I have not been married, the U.S. treats me like shit and has wiped their hands of me and just tries to grind in the heel.

When, if ever, did anyone intend any good? It's like it's been a big joke, a game to hurt or try to kill me and keep me from my son.

I go to the people I'm supposed to go to and they get their most corrupt idiots on the frontline to act like assholes.

All anyone ever wanted to do is use me, put me down and keep me down, make me and my son suffer, or make me a beast of burden and a tool for someone else's agendas. In the meantime, stealing from me, hurting my son, breaking the law, trying to stir up hatred against me, defaming and discrediting me, and what am I?

These people have falsely arrested me, harassed me, disparaged my good name, hurt my son, threatened my family, threatened me and harmed me, tried to kill me, and then you wonder why it even got this far and I get crazy people from government offices refusing to do a thing.

For what? And the point or message, all this time, is lost.

There is no message. It's just persecution without a tangible point.

As for Mackenzie? No one cares over here. I called to leave a tip and no one called back. They seem very anxious to get to the bottom of things here.

At least I know it's not everyone. It is just the people who are putting certain individuals out to get to me first or intercept where I'm trying to go. It's not as if there is no one who cares or who will take care of things. And at least this time I'm documenting everything better.

When I called the FCC I asked if there was any record of calls I made about the problems we had then and the guy told me there were 4. I made more than that, and they were all serious, but only the last one documented what was going on.

First I'd been going to the regular phone company but they were screwing around with me so I finally called the FCC and got calls documented I guess. The last one was documented on January 7, 2008.

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