Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Webcam Help Today & Visit With Son Monday

Well, I thought there might be a hidden fee thing, but the guy said he'd help me get set up. I was going to get it done last night but I ended up in a 2 hour conversation with a friend (or longer?) so it was past 12 by that time and I just went to bed.

I took notes of the visit with my son Monday so I wouldn't forget, and I'll detail this along with the one today.

Basically, last Monday we had a very good visit. Thee was only one small moment where he began to act out or actually, pretend to get mad (looked like he had a smile on his face) or was peeved I didn't play a certain way. But then I brought out two stuffed animals and had them talking to him like they had come to life. He started talking back and interacting with them and helped read stories and explain things to them and I did this kind of "Toy Story" thing, like they were always aware but just came to life and had them talking to eachother with funny quips and by the end, he said he didn't want to leave and he leaped into my arms and I held him and he had burst into tears and said he didn't want to go and stood there, with tears rolling down his face, saying he didn't want to leave. He kept saying "Annnne!!! I don't WANT to go. PLEASE, PLEASE." I was able to comfort him and tell him he had an extra visit that week which made him happy and then then he hid the animals (so other kids wouldn't get them). He was worried kids would try to hide them from him so it made me wonder if some kids have been mean to him at daycare, hiding toys from him so he couldn't play with something.

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