Saturday, March 13, 2010

Copy Of Email From Dr. Freed

I asked Dr. Freed, who insists on being in charge of all my medical care at the clinic, to fill out a form for the evaluation because the one that was filled out was not by anyone close to being a "PCP". Dr. Dickson wrote I had migraines of "zero severity". Really sharp, that one. So I told Dr. Freed, HE knew about my whole history with migraines and how they affected my life, because he has set himself up to be contacted anytime I ever go to his clinic. He has overseen all of my care and given directives to others. So I asked him to please help, and be reasonable, and give an honest evaluation so that I am not blocked from receiving money. So he said he would, but then he didn't. Then, after sending this email about how he'd go ahead and do it, I was called up and told nothing was prepared and he would have to see me for an evaluation, AFTER the next hearing date. Back and forth, and solely to appease the other "professionals" in town. He changed his mind after I wrote on my blog about how the law firm I was with, lied and bypassed medical records to get my MRIs when they had already said they weren't going to help me (and weren't). Obtaining my MRIs, by this law firm, was malicious and done to appease their own curiosity and for some other party and had NOTHING to do with actually wanting to help me or my defense. They had already announced they were no longer my lawyers.

RE: My "Neurological Evaluation"‏
From: Freed, Stuart MD (
Sent: Tue 3/09/10 1:15 PM
To: 'cam huegenot' (


Sorry you are so upset. I was willing to do this today. I can't pretend to understand your pressures. I will fill out a separate form but my reluctance was that you are asking me to disagree with a Neurologist who has seen you with my opinion from afar. If they question my opinion; I will have to let them know that this is based on a summary of what I know from your chart and not my own exam etc.

Your anger is not helpful. Swearing at me or my staff is not going to help and I am sure you know this. I am not trying to stall this effort; I simply have a lot of work to do in addition to your request. Sorry again for all you go through.

From: cam huegenot []
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 5:35 PM
To: Freed, Stuart MD;; Freed, Stuart MD
Subject: My "Neurological Evaluation"
Importance: High

Dr. Freed,

You agreed you would fill that form out. You know this is what has to be done for me to get disability, simple General Assistance and yet YOU are not willing to do this. I do not believe you have to see me to fill it out when you've been directing my care for several years now and have wanted to know every single detail.

It seems to me, at this point, that this is simple stalling to try to ensure I do not have any cash assistance of any kind and cannot therefore even help myself in getting my son back and fighting what is going on.

I am REALLY tired of this. If you need to schedule an appointment with me, I can only imagine you will say it can't be for a month, or find some way to drag it out so I have no money in my hands to even buy FUCKING razors to shave my FUCKING legs with.

I want to know how soon you could get me in for another neurological evaluation.


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