Monday, March 15, 2010

I Was Right: Accurate Vibe

I was right. I knew something was going on. I could feel it and I was correct.

I came back to where I'm living and my room was totally trashed and a note was on the door to evict me.

Just 2 days ago, he had left a note on the counter, writing to wash dishes or something and that "mold" was found on dishes which was not true. There has never been any mold. I had dishes in the sink with coffee grounds on them, not mold. So I wondered why he was writing this unless he wanted to try to make it sound like this was the case and the first thing that came to my mind is he was setting himself up to testify against me at a termination hearing.

This is the same place where my documents and clothing have been stolen.

I also smelled this horrible, strong, men's colonge coming from the house, and it was very bad and very strong and I could smell it all the time.

My son came to the visit today with THAT colonge on him.

Last week and the week before, my son had some kind of vanilla smelling perfume on him and today, it was either the colonge of Steve May or Charles Bell (I think is the name of the other guy that lives here).

I also noticed, that they didn't like the fact I was no longer sleeping in my room but would move out into the hall. When I did, while some of the weird stuff was going on here, technology things or whatever, I didn't have any problems at all. It was only when I was in those rooms. I have been clear headed and thinking better in the mornings ever since I started doing that.

I also noticed, in keeping with the accuracy of my intuition and perception, that there were not only some government people in town who are not good people, but there were others as well, who knew what was going on and were happy about it. Unfortunately, I saw a few people who were normal and good people, and in one case, I noticed THAT woman, this one who was normal, SHE was being followed. She was wearing a lavendar shirt in an SUV and this guy kept following HER. I have no idea why.

I also noticed someone has been replaced. A better man, a good man in fact, was replaced intentionally.

When I was in the bathroom, this woman wearing an "Insane Clown Posse" t-shirt was there and I just saw it all, basically, what that was about and what a lot of things are about.

I knew, walking back, today was a day where the vibe was totally wrong. Very bad things and sadness from people who are halfway normal.

As I was walking back, it was clear some people got off on this and have known what's going on. Some people mocking me from out of town again. One woman, ethnic, but I don't know what nationality, driving a black Mercedes? or BMW, not sure, with no plates in the front and only one on the back: 5BTT03 California. I wanted to say 5BG3TT03. But I think the first one is right. If it's black and from CA, it's right.

Other mockery--man in 381 RDA WA. He looked very familiar and I don't know why.

I have a lot more, but I'll type them out later. There were too many really, so it seems pointless to single a few out, but I will. And then, of course, after what I wrote on my blog, a truck with the words "Spymaster" came driving by, the guys gleefully smiling.

Believe me. Trust me. I know the real spies from the jokers.

I also noticed a bunch of Wenatchee police cars just back and forth around me today. A ton of plates with numbers about 047 and on and on, TONS about 470 and ZIP and XIP, and I know that was just coincidence, but it was all over. I had one woman sitting right where I walk by, in a Wenatchee patrol car. I noticed her plates and just noticed her. There is never an officer just sitting along the curb. She was parked in front of 1428 Cherry. I had a weird feeling about it so I went to the house she was parked right in front of and rang the doorbell. I said, "Did you call for police?" and she said, "No" and I said, "Well you know you have an officer parked out in front of your house so I thought maybe you had called." She smiled and said she didn't know, maybe they were just patroling. They never do. They never "patrol" although I wondered if it me they were patrolling, because TWO more Wenatchee police cars passed me on the way to my visit, in the span of 1/2 hour. I thought, "Maybe someone is looking out for me" for some reason but the actions of the first woman officer and then of the 3rd guy, who was laughing his head off as he stared at me when he passed, said "probably not". Her car was #5 and her license number was: 47091D WA woman with short blond hair. She took off after I left the house she was in front of, drove up the road and then turned around and drove away, with her head cocked all the way to the left as she passed, which was totally unnatural looking.

I thought, "She should have been dancing with me when I was in the house this morning, listening to Beyonces' "Irreplaceable"" (which starts out: "to the left, to the left...).

The next police car to go by was 32259D and then the guy laughing, who was next, was 32258D and THEN, ANOTHER car, maybe one of the same, drove by a 4th time before I got to the office to see my son. I had a police officer car pass me a total of 4 times actually, before I ever saw my son. No, I guess 5 times, because then I was sitting outside waiting for him and a car passed again. This has never happened before.

Other notables would be plates from Oregon with 163 EEG.

A very weird thing was this man walking on the sidewalk who went OUT of his way to get into my line of walking and he wore this bright red and blue ensemble and was carrying these huge bright yellow weights. Sorry, but it wasn't normal. Especially when he's going out of his way to have me see him and to pass me.

When I was first leaving the house, I noticed 2 plates with men and it struck me as out of the ordinary but I don't know. One was 00403 with no letters or other numbers. Just 00403 with a WA symbol. Another was 7848 black SUV.

I got the plate of the man who said I wasn't going to be a professional singer: 987 UFO (Dan). But his housemates kept calling him "Bob". He seemed nice enough, really, but I don't know why he made that comment.

Others: 072 SKX, 517 XYP, 031 VXN, 956 SIL, 590 ZAE, 07845, 60213, 79737A, 979 WII, (a LOT of cars with WII for some reason, but only when I was going back to my house). 048 XIP, 282 URQ, 787 SIQ, 567 XIP. 441 RUD, 5961069. 430 WST.

If it was a day after I'd mentioned Kate Middleton (a long time ago or anything to do with the royal family, tons of cars with WST plates).

I think this guy, the landlord, maybe wanted access to my son while I was here which was just until this last visit. Because from what I'm getting, with the monitor making it sound like next visit will be the last one or something, I think something is going on. And I think he was going to have the realtor over earlier, though, to have me out in the lurch sooner. That's what I think. Because he was having realtors over that day and then no one showed up and it was on that day that Cowell's murder happened and her mom is a realtor. I don't know, but there has been no mention of realtor ever since.

I have just been starting to show some signs of getting things together, and getting on my feet financially, and that's when this guy wants me out. And they want all of this to happen so I'm either out of housing or money--one or the other. They will do anything in their power to keep me from getting ahead in any way, or getting my son. They're crooked.

Seriously, there are people that hate me this much, they do not want me to be on my feet, EVEN IF I am helping OTHER people too. They simply don't care. Is that not strange? I am in the middle of a business start up to help a LOT of other women, and all of a sudden, someone or some group, gets nervous about that and decides to try to put a wrench in it.

I was walking back to my house, when I was, and almost started to cry again, feeling this dread, before I ever got to the house and got the eviction notice. Just feeling it. And I almost began to cry and I prayed instead. I prayed, "Please God."
Please God, please do something. I prayed for earthquakes in Wenatchee and Seattle, which will probably never happen, but I prayed anyway. Some part of California might be good too. And I didn't get any assurance of anything. I got one image. That of a railroad kind of stake or spike, going into something very hard, where a hammer comes down upon it and what is hard is split open.

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