Thursday, March 4, 2010

No Computer Problems & Being Paid Off

Not having any issues with the computer or anything else right now. Haven't had any problems since I got out of bed at 3.

I am not joking about this. There really have been some very evil persons who have done these things, and it's real, and they have done very real harm to me and my son. Not only that, it keeps me from being able to even have a clear mind and get anything done at all, for my case. It has nothing to do with mental illness and everything to do with some groups who really do not want me to succeed in any way, shape, or form.

They don't want me to have a job, or money at all, or a good reputation, or my son, or have the interest of any man at all who could help me and my son in our situation. They want nothing but political ends and to have their own interests met.

And I say this now, absolutely clear headed and with nothing going on at the moment. I have people doing horrible things to me and my son but wanting to get away with it and make me sound nuts when I'm not.

And a LOT of money HAS been put into this. I do not think all of these things could be done without, seriously, millions.
More than 1 million.
The people who care about me and my son cannot compete with that. They can't compete with groups that have pooled their money together to cause me and my son harm and make good their political agendas. They can't compete, in their good hearts, with callous corruption--with people who are willing to sell their souls for a dime or for favors. And some who might, are threatened to be cut off if they do help me or my son.

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