Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bad Vibe Again

I felt improved, the vibe was fine until about an hour or two ago and then it went down again.

I was also trying to add to my post about what happened last night and had a lot of interference.

I rested, listened to music, prayed, and thought a lot. When I thought about one person, I started feeling the deep sadness. But it may have been coincidental.

I also had a very brief, not "image" exactly but sort of an impression of someone on a joystick or operational stick of some kind and at first I thought an airborne thing but then I thought maybe it was just someone with a joystick on a video game. I saw it go up. Being put into upward position at about 2:33 p.m. PST., that is, if my clock is still 13 minutes slow and I'm adding on those minutes. Will have to check.

I also thought about one clip I saw once on youtube and laughed out loud. I guess it's the first time I've laughed out loud today.

And then, at one point when I was having the sad vibe, or heaviness vibe, I then thought about this other person and it improved, like I was sort of getting through but I don't know.

I thought about my son and prayed for him but I know the impression of the controls was not about him.

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