Friday, June 11, 2010

Judge Refuses Public Representation

I hadn't opened my mail because of avoidance due to PTSD from what people here have done in illegally taking my son, and cuasing his and my trauma.

I opened it in a counseling meeting yesterday, or the woman opened it for me and read parts but recommended I didn't read it all then bc it would be upsetting.

Judge Hotchkiss refused to appoint me a lawyer or public defender for termination even though I have a right to a public defender for termination and the lawyer for this is separate from the lawyer one has prior to a termination trial. I was told there are 2 different lawyers and that the one for the main part of the case is always different from the termination trial.

I requested, in writing, representation. Judge Hotchkiss sent a letter refusing this.

So, they like to have it both ways. I'm so "severely mentally ill" they slandered me to Canada as being a complete danger to my own son and gave me a diagnosis I don't even have and we don't know yet if this information came from a CPS person, state police, or WA FBI.

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