Thursday, June 3, 2010

More Weird Stuff In Town & man strangled

Today was like, it wasn't Mossad exactly, though there were 1 or 2, it was more like a few American-Jewish assholes that, along with wanting all the Catholics to think I am out to get them and their religion and "Mary", have been pursuing me for a couple of years.

It was like half and half at first. Very strong, I felt, Jewish supporters and friends, and then half who just hated me or didn't like me. Really love-hate, and mixed, and then, it just got stranger and I started feeling like there were still some very good, but I kept running into some who were chasing me down, or wanting to hook up with me but more for humiliation and not for real intimacy but to distract me or something. Mainly I started noticing this in D.C., after I, now looking back, started getting asked about Princess Di and their family stuff, even though I was pretty much out of the loop and only into Di.

But then what's weird, is that I've had this group that wants me to be at really bad ends with Catholics forever, and have it reflect on them when most are really good people and I've had no problem with. Then, a few others, either were trying to help me or really just wanted to screw me up, keep tabs on me, and hinder me from getting or going anywhere.

BUT, a few people, have been paid off too, who are neither Catholic nor Jewish. One or two, seriously, there are some who will just take money if they think it matters. And it must have mattered.

Something must have mattered more than just my Wenatchee stuff.

I had my Pacific NW stuff, and people really trying to dirty me and holding grudges and afraid of lawsuit. When I went East, it felt like I was finally going somewhere or making it or getting ahead, on my own merit, a little bit. Just a little, but bit by bit, and then...I started getting weird stuff on the D.C. side--people monitoring me and following but, it felt, for entirely different reasons. And this continued until, pretty much, my Ex and I separated and then I had the "follow-her-up-ers."

BUT, if you...put differently, if 'one' has someone following them around and then even trying to set them up to go to federal jail forever...or at least a good 10 years...someone is obviously trying to put you away because they view you as a threat.

I still feel, in my heart, fairly neutral and fair. I mean, I feel that I am still not too quick to judge, no matter what public opinion is.

If it's not weird Wenatchee stuff or NW stuff where I've pissed people off, over lawsuits or something, it's a little bit of family odds and ends thrown in where others have tried to make it even worse than it is or ever was, and then also, then something new got started on the East, where all of a sudden I started having the same bad stuff happening there that used to happen PC NW, like people tracked me down to do harm or began revealing their real colors or got pissed at me so decided to ditch. I had all of this "favor" and then, without my changing anything, some group set about to change it for me.

And yes, I have literally almost died a number of times, from various attempts on my life or as "warnings". The international stuff was en force for awhile. Then it was like, "Oh we don't need to worry, Wenatchee is doing what we want them to do and trashing her enough."
Last night I had an image of a man being strangled. It was either in the past or it was current-time. I didn't see who was doing it, I could only see this face of a man sort of contorting and he was trying to fight off being strangled but it was happening from behind and the rope or cloth or wire or whatever it was, I don't think wire but something else, was put under his chin and close to next and he was strangled. I honestly don't even know if it was a "good" guy or "bad" guy or if it was done in a wartime situation or what, but I had the impression, and actually it wasn't just an impression but an image. I saw it, in motion. But it lasted only a minute.


saddened by your actions said...

you say you aren't prejudicial, but you are. You say that you are a christian and quote the Bible and state that you pray. But a true christian wouldn't be so derogatory to other religions. I feel sorry for anyone who has to come in your path today. Watch for passing motorist who might try to splash you on purpose for your hatefulness. Have a Great Day!

Mama said...

Hello Saddened.

I think the point of this comment was not to be sincere but to put in a dig, and believe me, I see and hear quite enough.

It is not wrong for me to be imperfect. I am a christian, not a saint, and never, not once in my blog, have I EVER been insincere about that. I have not even attempted to hide MOST of the things many DO hide and my life, good and bad, has been an open book pretty much, but I am not a "first impressions count date". I am a "love of your life and this is real or you lump it type." I don't need to glamourize my sweet side for others, nor should I downplay that I am imperfect either, and the difference is that I say it out loud and write it down and meanwhile there are extremely horrid people out there with a lot to hide. i partially blog when I am ANGRY so it's natural some of this is reflective of that.

As for 'prejudice', that's a bunch of bullshit. I am comprised of a ton of ethnicities and have lived with, worked with, and been good friends and even lovers with, people of various religions and it hasn't mattered when it is person to person.

Mama said...

If YOU were a true christian or even knew what judeo-christianity was all about, you would know it's not all ice pops and fruit loops and sweetness and spice. You would know that God is both a God of mercy and of justice and that there is both darkness and light and you would also know that while all are equal in the eyes of God, those who constantly abuse others and do this, while claiming to be religious (of any religion) rightly deserve to be called hypocrites.

I believe there is a difference between abusing and harassing someone for no reason and then actually being real and having a point or sharing things one is given whether it's good or bad. There is also a place to question others who use religion for politcal reasons or to constantly harass someone. Also, it's not right to profile in an inequitable way, but if one person is targeted over and over by a large group, it is of interest how the group is connected, whether it is by a specific branch of religion, or by club or values, or sports, or whatever.

I feel sort of bad about some of the images I've written about, but I have not written lies but what I honestly got. Except once or twice awhile back I was trying to determine something. But in general, I wouldn't hurt an innocent person at all, and would avoid it all costs. When I am being mocked all the time, however, or jabbed at, either in front of or behind my back, is it wrong to send a jab back?

I don't think it's wrong. I also feel that anyone who never brings up race or religion, or is even willing to mention for conversation for good or discussion, is probably hiding something and unwilling to have an honest dialogue.

I have a great day. So thank you for your good wishes.