Saturday, April 5, 2008


I finished "A River Runs Through It" a few days ago. In at least 3 places, I laughed out loud. I know nothing about fishing, but I know good writing! The storytelling by Paul, of the rabbit in the middle of the road; the rubbing table rumination, and there was one more. And then my favorite descriptive scene was of Paul's girlfriend, the Indian one, in jail with Paul, and the focus on her legs.

I have some ideas of what I want to read next. I saw one book, "Eat, pray, .." and I want to read that, and another book I saw on the bus based on the political revolution of Haiti. I was told Closure? was another non-fiction book by the same author, talking about revolutions in various countries. It wasn't "Closure", it was another "C-word". I'll have to think about it. I'd like to read a non-fiction book about Haiti and how it came to be the way it is now. I'm also interested in Chomsky and Hitchens' new book. I want to read Thomas Paines too. Started and haven't finished.

It was good to read a well-written autobiographical story. This is one of the rare times I feel watching the movie would be a disappointment, despite all the acclaims given to the movie (River Runs Through It).


Anonymous said...

OMG. You have to read Eat, Pray, Love!!!! That is a wonderful book that I know you will relate too. Her voice is ours.

Mama said...

Hi! there you are...we started writing privately, but I guess you know where to best get my attention, huh? ;) yes, I skimmed through the book and knew I had to have it!

I'm also falling in love with Christopher Hitchens and must get a copy of his new book and Orwell. Can you believe I've never read Animal Farm or 1984? I just read up his wiki bio--to think he lived as a tramp for his writing and perspective (I can RELATE! to the tramp part...haha...but not by choice!)

I signed up for emails to a paper where he publishes and made one short comment about an article with the name: bouncyball. Isn't that an intellectual choice! bouncyball. I figured that's how thoughts are in my head--all over the place, so it fits.

I made a little quip in my comment about social class in war, "Send in the drummer boys." (ahem...good one...I said to myself) and then I realized with horror I'd entitled my comment: "Classicism". Not classism, classicism. I think either choice of words is unfortunate.

Then I looked at a collection of fictional short stories while on the bus last, and realized, thinking in my head, "YOU'RE writing is CRAP!" It dawned on me... I might have some insights but I can't write properly for the life of me, or in a "beautiful prose" style which would necessarily incorporate many colorful adjectives and nouns.

Yet, I must write. I am compelled to write! I've been writing since I was 13 in a diary and I simply cannot quit. I could only be persuaded to quit, temporarily, if Hitchens agreed to be my mentor. Well, I guess I'd still write, but I could manage not to write about HIM. At least not until later.

AND guess what? I discovered I must be a "contrarian". That's what they call Hitchens. He says Mother Theresa is a fraud, and I say Jesus wears a "Fuck You" t-shirt. He's an atheist contrarian and I'm a christian contrarian--that's the difference.

Oh, and I found out he once wrote an article that pissed me off, but I didn't realize he'd written it and made connections to his other writing until yesterday or so. He wrote an article called "Why Women Are Not Funny".

I'm funny.

I saw a photo of Carol Blue (his wife/former wife?) with her legs around him and high heels pointing in 2 different directions (she must be a contrarian too). SHE didn't look funny, which is perhaps the inspiration for that article.
