Quick follow-up note on the photos of Oliver's injuries...
I got a computer to find it and save things in multiple places so it's not lost or destroyed. I have evidence and documentation of Oliver's latest injury and when we figure out how to load these photos online, I'm sending 'em up.
They're sort of fuzzy but still show layers of skin are gone and then the bruising next to it. Either that was one hell of a beating and attack by a guy at a "party" that weekend before the visit with me, or my son is doing very serious self-harming that isn't normal. It's not an accidental scratch. One doesn't scratch and bruise that much from something that's just accidental.
If he did this to himself in the car, he was exceedingly distressed. Maybe he doesn't like being in a carseat and it frightened him because someone strapped him in at a house and just left hiim there like that and that's why I was finding weird rough or calloused marks on his lower back and bottom.
But if my son said some "guy" beat him at a party, I think the first responsible question to ask is whether there was a party or gathering at all.
One housemate asked me last night what I would do if Oliver was returned to me immediately. I told him I would probably go on TANF because then I COULD, and just use it for a couple months until I was back in college. I'm not going to qualify for General Assistance because I don't have a mental illness holding me back from anything. I've had a lot of physical injuries, and even recently on the East Coast. I'm better now and fit, physically, for caring for my son, but I still need to figure out something for my back if I waitress and haven't found that work yet. It would take too long to apply for a temporary disability claim and most claims are turned down.
If I could use TANF for a very short time, I would use that time for getting back into school and staying in until I had my Master's or possibly, PhD. I told him my goal was to be in college FT and have Oliver in my care.
If I am in college, I could study at night while Oliver is sleeping and have most of the day with him. When I am in classes myself, I would ideally have Oliver in a preschool that's either Montessori or tailored to gifted needs. I've already talked to some people about Oliver, since he was 1 1/2 and more people than myself feel he'd benefit from a progressive preschool and I know he would love it. Right now, I feel he's almost intellectually starved. He is at the age, 3, where many new things should be tried so he is able to figure out what he likes and is good at.
I am halfway through my Senior year torwards a B.A. in English Literature and I would like to go straight on from that to a Masters. I spoke with this Wenatchee woman who used to teach gifted students and she also thought this made sense. I think from a Master's, I would work or intern (or do this even while finishing a B.A.) and go on to either a PhD for psychology or possibly just apply to law school, if there's one progressive out there that would like to have me.
Law School or PhD. That's where I want to be headed, and I want Oliver in my care during this time. There's no reason why it can't be done.
Why all of a sudden do you think you will be getting Oliver back? Have you taken the steps CPS wanted you to in order for you to get him back? Quite the change since about a week ago or so you were saying they were in the process of terminating your parental rights.
To respond to Anonymous' skeptical comment: why are you being so negative and demoralizing? FYI there is something called "reasonable efforts" in which CPS must legally engage as the goal is always initially for reunification -notwithstanding the fact that termination proceedings have begun. Perhaps you ought to do some legal research before you lambaste others and make disparaging comments.
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