Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Images Last Night

It was last night before I fell asleep or this morning, I had a few images. I didn't write them down and forgot most of them but I just remembered one, and it was of my Aunt Locklyn. It was actually just a snapshot kind of image, and I don't know what message it would be at all. But she was younger, in her 20s or younger, and wearing some green or jade green outfit that was like wool and had a hat with it, I think, but then I've never seen her in a more formal 20s-50s style hat. It was more of a small beret size or little cap. Fitted wool outfit. Her hair was curled and shoulder length and she was standing there and it was like she was my mom, for a minute, in that quick snapshot frame. But there wasn't a message really. It was just like an image of my aunt when she was young but I don't know why she popped to mind like that. I can't imagine she has an outfit like that. At any rate, she looked very pretty, like a 1940s teen or young woman. I don't know for sure about the hat but I think there was a hat. I only saw waist up and she was looking to the left, and it was a 3/4 profile.
I had this one blond man in town come to mind, who is from VA, and saw him wiping hands on a towel, and then later, cleaning his ears or poking a finger in and watching t.v. Sort of pointless.
I'm not getting very much at all. I don't feel inspired at all tonight. I got some random words, some which I forgot already and then "fluffernutter". I had to look up fluffernutter. I wonder if there's another meaning for that word besides the sandwich. The sandwich sounds disgusting...wonderbread with peanut butter and marshmallow "fluff".
kept getting some word that sounds like "Al-o-wen". not alan, not halloween, Al, pronunced like the name "Al" and then "oh" like "ohmigoodness" and "when". I've had this word before. I still don't know for sure what it means.
You know, I was just thinking, I think I saw rachel Chandler in a black and white dress, and I think I remember seeing this when I saw pink and yellow but I felt too insecure about mentioning it. But it briefly did cross my mind. maybe she was wearing that dress before the day they filmed a segment?
Darren came to mind but more like darin maybe. But Darren/Darin.
I don't think I'm doing very well on this tonight. I thought about the Chandlers and saw her swimming but I know they're not swimming around there, so maybe it was past, and saw her lying down, and something about maybe the past about "snog" and "knockered". I don't know what knockered is...maybe tipsy, like it was just part of a conversation she had or around her. But i tried to see where they are and I can't but I admit, I'm not putting tons of energy in bc right now I'm tired and my own body hurts. I saw him, but not in an image, just a repeat of footage from t.v and his expression and tone of voice. I mentally prayed for them, I guess or thought, for them to try to have peace and wondered how they might be prodded or made afraid and that this would stop. I thought I saw her eating something, sitting cross legged, but don't know. I hoped they can find sleeping pills for her to be able to sleep if she wants them. Earlier today I thought about them and "demerol" came to mind, but I don't know why. It didn't sound like they're in physical pain to need demerol so I wondered if she gets headaches or why that word came to mind. It might have been a crossed wire type of thing. I thought, "does she get migraine?" but then she's older when usually migraines aren't a problem anymore. I was thinking earlier I wonder if she needs sleeping pills and demerol came to mind sort of intrusively. So I wondered why they might need demerol but it could have been some other thing.

I just watched the video again and noticed something kind of weird. I seriously wonder if this was already this way or someone saw my blog somehow and set it up like this, but that would be pretty fantastic...the water, there is water to be seen, in this footage, to the left. Like I saw in an image, I saw water to the left, that the water was visible. I thought maybe there were more trees though. I wonder if that's where they were? or they moved there for this release? I don't know. But that's what I saw in an image.

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