Friday, February 19, 2010

Oliver Needs Help--Night

I got ahold of my aunt and she said he has had this fever again. She said he also coughed all night.

My son has had a fever off and on for months. I've checked him myself and he's been hot.

He has been constantly ill and I told her to take him to Children's for bloodwork and MRI and she refused.

I told her she does not need permission from Wenatchee CPS or from doctors here to do that, but she won't do it.

She said he's now watching the Berenstein Bears.

People have had access to my son that should NOT have access and there is no way to monitor this when they're living in the middle of nowhere in an orchard and he goes to a daycare in an orchard that is in a trailer home next to the house.

I told her, taking him to Children's, or out of the area, will only HELP you and look good for you, that you are being proactive.

No one in Wenatchee has done any bloodwork, of any kind, on my son. Not once. No one has done an MRI even though he has multiple indicators for one.

I just tried calling my aunt back and she hung up.

She has been totally different over the phone, much "calmer" and controlled in general. I think she knows there is possibly an investigation.

I called the lawyer's office to pick up visitation notes to try to work with from home, and answer to, and I was told I could collect them at 3. I told the secretary I need to get a motion made for my son to have bloodwork and an MRI done out of the area. I really feel it should be out of the state actually, but there needs to be an order because no one is looking out for him like his mother. I was even trying to tell my aunt it would look good for HER to be proactive and do this on her but she won't. I think it's because she feels it would jeopardize her position with the state workers now and others too, who have had something to do with Oliver's problems.

My aunt said my son is running the fevers and getting hot at night and seems fine during the day but cannot sleep at night.

If I read between the lines, this is the same "fever" that he and I went through, which affected our memory and kept us from sleeping well, and which seemed to occur at night as if someone had a day job.

The only time it was all day was during the Christmas break when someone had a lot of time on their hands. It was consistently at night and then around Thanksgiving to Christmas break, very bad.

Now my son is still having problems, but mainly at night, however I do not believe the brainwashing and other things are always at night.

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