Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Proof of Collusion By Wenatchee Medical Professionals and Housing

I am at least in possession now, of proof of collusion.

I had an appointment with Karl Lambert, who does house calls, and used to work with RediMedi, for 4:45 or 5:00 p.m. on April 28, 2010. I did not blog about my appointment time.

I made the appointment after being wrongfully terminated by Linda Price from Community Action.

When I went in to pick up documents of public disclosure, I was given a manilla envelope from Linda, with a note on the bottom that said, "Missed appointment, April 28th".

I did not have an appointment with her or anyone from Community Action. I only had an appointment with Karl, to document and treat anxiety caused by the actions of Linda Price and Community Action.

So, in writing this on my folder, she made a point of letting me know that she and Karl had talked or she knew from him or someone from RediMedi, that I missed that appointment.

I just got further evidence of collusion because I was told, after missing that appointment, to go to the RediMedi clinic again and try to make an appointment there. For some reason, the RediMedi people just wanted me to visit their establishment. So I went in, and Linda there asked me to write my name down on a piece of paper and my contact information. As soon as she had that, she told me she talked to Karl and that he instructed her to have me go to the Wenatchee Valley Clinic. She said, "You have insurance now".

I said I did not have insurance and whether I did or not didn't negate that I was told I could make an appointment with Karl, who works people in all day. So she told me, and this Linda, Linda Dahl, is really hostile torwards me, told me she couldn't make an appointment until Wednesday. But Karl isn't even WITH her group anymore as he does separate and private house calls. So I said okay, put me down for Wednesday and then she refused!

Linda Dahl made a point, even last Thursday, of trying to KEEP me from seeing anyone, even Karl. She refused to give me his business number and tried to ssay he didn't do this sort of thing. She went so out of her way to prevent me from even contacting Karl.

Then, today, I went in and Linda Dahl is sitting there in a white shirt with purple and green swirls on it and she has this giant gold swirly cross on a chain around her neck, and I swear to God, this is why no one wants to go to church or be a "Christian". They meet Linda Dahls and think, "Oh God, a whole room full of people like HER?" and she's a total hypocrite and Poor Jesus is bowing His head, praying to the Father to conceal the fact that she is claiming to be one of his followers. "I suffer, and suffer, and suffer, insult after insult," says Jesus to God,..."My name is a good name! and then people like LINDA make me look weak, pathetic, and trashy." Jesus looks at Linda Dahl with her shiny swirly cross and says, "I need a drink" and goes next door to the liquor store.

I mean, seriously, the POINT of being a "christian" or claiming this, and especially when WORKING in an environment where you're purporting to HELP people with medical services, is to be charitable. If you're "good enough" at your "job" of being a christian, you probably don't even need to advertise, because people will find out, word of mouth. I mean, maybe what the cross pendant is for, is to remind yourself of what you're claiming to believe in and follow. But unless you're looking down at your chest a lot, I think you forget what you're wearing and why. Even like my sleeping on the floor, to tribute my son. After awhile, if I'm just sleeping on the floor and not making a point of knowing WHY I'm doing it, it's just a habit and the meaning is lost. Maybe Linda Dahl could do something new to remind herself, each day, of her mission to help people and not harass them, and that might be buying a bunch of cheap swirly cross rings with different colored gems and then alternating, and looking at her fingers. Or maybe she could have her nails done with 10 letters, like "Remember Me" or "Patience!!" or switch it up. I don't know. Because people like Linda Dahl really BUM me out.

It wasn't that she was just not helpful, but she went out of her way to prevent my getting care. So then I even asked for that appointment for Wednesday and she refused. She refused to give me Karl's business number again, telling me it was "inappropriate" for me to call his business line. ?

So I didn't even have his number to call him with and had to try to reach him at home and I got his wife and maybe the idea was to refuse giving me his business number so I HAD to try his house. I was told he works out of there part-time anyway, but I wouldn't typically call this number, ever.

So I tried to call and got his wife, who was pleasant. I don't want to write anymore until I find out what is going to happen and then at that point I might decide what to do.

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