Sunday, May 2, 2010

Texas BBQ With The Unicorn Gag & Other Misc.

I swear ta God, someone has to get me and my son OUT of here. Today I was victim of a Texas BBQ people gag.

Things are pretty much out of control here. I am followed by a ton of people, no matter what I do and where I go and I don't even know these people. The smallest thing is made into a huge thing.

Before I describe it, I had an image...someone I know or think about, doing something with a woman at 5:25 p.m. PST. She was on top. I didn't ask to see that. So what do you do? I can't do a thing. I was just sitting outside having the rest of my drink, and there it was--thanks. Boy, is this the coolest thing ever or what (I say drily, to God with sarcasm...just what I always asked for Jesus). I went inside and asked the guy what time it was, so I could be precise.

So anyway, I am listening to this song over and over and it's Steve Hackett's Horizons and I want this at my wedding if I ever have one.

So anyway, this is just what I always wanted--to see people getting it on. Yay. I hope there was a good reason for that one. I was sitting outside on a bench finishing my drink and wham, got it, and then sat a minute, stood up, finished it off and walked inside to ask the guy the time and he said it was 5:30. I said, "5:30 exactly?" and he said, "5:28" so it was around 5:25 or so that I got the image.

SO! anyway! back to the BBQ and unicorn thing. I got some hummus and pita (toasted) with olives and a little antipasta and then I sat down at the first available table where there was a man in a cowboy style hat. I asked if anyone was sitting next to him and he said no. So I sat down. Then, along comes his wife and their grandson. The grandson is wearing a white t-shirt with bicycle chains all over it. It was pretty oool and made me smile, and I said at some point, it made me think about wanting to put a stick in the spokes of a tire. They laughed and then she said it made her think about snakes. Okay, so by the time I'm leaving I realize, this guy here is supposed to be the "unicorn" because the grandma said, "He's all chained up!" poor unicornny. So she brings him his Texas BBQ nd the kid is carrying curly fries. And THEN, as soon as she said this, I knew it was the Royal Family all over:

"Eat YORE Samwhich."

Hey YOU, you unicorny, eat your Sam Witch. Tell da othah ho to get off yo pony.
Alright now, just kidding. No connection between the Unicorn & BBQ scene and my "image" of course. Separate but just joking around.

I mean, I'm leaving thinking, "What was that supposed to be? Philip and Elizabeth with their unicorn grandson chained up and eatin' curly fries & Texas bbq?" Then I see a license plate flashing by with "Urls" and of course, I think, it's CHURLES.

Well I am only kidding about all of this. Need to check on the turtle. Stressed out, as you can tell, with my odd situation. If anyone is the fucking unicorn, it's ME! How does that song go? "they won't let me out! they won't let me out"

I think everyone is laughing except someone who is a little sad right now.

i should clarify, this image I got does not mean it's someone I'm supposed to be with or anything like that at all. and I am joking about everything except that I did get this image for some reason. But the rest of what I wrote was pure goofing off and joking, except it's true that I was sitting next to Texas BBQ people today.

But now I'm confused. I ordered onion rings and they don't want to give me the BBQ & honey mustard that goes with it. I just got the honey mustard. Hmmm. What could it mmmeeeeeaaaan????

Maybe I was intercepting porn but I don't think so. Maybe it was. I just know I saw this woman coming down. And it was NOT my imagination. It was an image in real time. I believe, from what I saw, I saw it going on. But second choice--well, it's a good off the hook thing.

I think I'm going to listen to that song, "I'm in lock up (they won't let me out)"--Akon.

I feel terrible though. I know what I saw, but someone doesn't like it, or like how I'm writing about it. I'm sorry. I would think about deleting it but I feel like it might be a good confirmation for someone that I am serious about this stuff.

I feel bad though. I'm hearing good luck so maybe the take care people are sad. I have to figure this out.

Okay, how I got the image...I was told I had to sit outside with my drink, in a polite way, and I did. I sat outside on this bench and was drinking and just looking around and then I saw this triangle beneath the Ross sign and started to feel a little bit pissed with all this triangle stuff lately and what it's supposed to mean and then thought about how it was the sign for male and then all of a sudden, I saw it. I got the full image in a flash. So then I went in and asked what time it was.

I like this song too, by Mariah Carey "Bye Bye" with Akon:

After I wrote this other part, I felt better. I got a comment from mind's eye. "Christ". A man saying this, in a shocked way. Right now, it is 7:08 p.m. PST.

It was a very quick image and so fast, I just "think" I know the color of her hair. I think it was a shade of brown or darker. But not totally sure. I think that maybe that idea came after I got the image of just the act. I sort of saw face and mainly neck down and movement.

I really don't have a great feeling right now though. I know I''m picking up on something sad or not right at the moment. I just don't know what.

I'm planning to stay up all night, pretty much, and then go to my visit and figure out a housing thing when it's business hours. I am not going to a homeless shelter when there are none to go to. I don't believe I deserve this kind of treatment and I'm not going to be pushed into homeless housing when it's unnecessary. That program was to get people OFF of homeless housing and I find it ironic all these people in town, "Christians" even, can use gas to drive around and follow me, but cannot help support or defend someone who shouldn't have been booted out of a HOUSING program, for, seriously, God's sake.

So, here's more. I don't care about the whole 'scene' or whatever, but then I tried to ask a question, what was she wearing? and I want to say nothing of course but then something about maybe a t-shirt. I might be wrong about that though. Maybe she sleeps in a t shirt a lot. Something about t shirt sometimes at least. Maybe not her t shirt. An oversized one. Now, if I ask, I get detail on her boobs. But I don't think I'll describe. I can see how they move, which sounds really weird, but anyway, she was facing forward. I guess when I later thought about the other detail, I saw it more from the side and with her facing left. Sort of floppy.

Cheaters need not apply for marriage with ME! Or, there will be a pre-nup that I get paid a guaranteed $1,000,000 per cheat.

I feel better now. Ahh. Better. 7:45. Not a ton better by any means but maybe my son is better or ready for bed. Something could have been wrong with him and that's what I was sensing. I don't know.
Oh no. All these guys pass me in silver or grey shirts or stuff with foxes on it and then I look over to the left and there is this tree right there. And two BIRDS doing it. DOING IT. Directly across from me. I am not kidding. This is not even funny. Now it's back to one bird, but they were doing it in full view. Immediately across from me. I even said, "Oh No!" out loud and my waiter came over and said, "Are you doing okay?" I didn't want to say, "Look! Do you see what I see? Look at those BIRDS." So I just said, "Umm, oh, yeah." He said, "Can I get you anything else?" and I said no. Now the other bird is all alone bu still sitting there. It's just sitting there and not flying off, facing ME. If it had a cigarette it would be smoking.

The playmate came back and they flew off. I can't see them anymore. They've gone. And yes, I am joking around and laughed myself while writing this. It's true but I see the humor and wrote it to sound funny as well.

I think someone either did a magic trick or I have a weird telekinesis with animals, birds, and insects, if someone else doesn't.

I was crossing this one bridge, after eating with the Texan BBQers and a rabbit ran under the bridge right at the beginning but ran up to me first and then darted underneath. Then, a pigeon flew out, solo, and then, it was a lone black and white duck in the water. Later, there was a lone black crow outside of my window. Not so many pairs today--more solo flyers. Then the breeding birds by my window as I'm writing about the image I had.
I sense much better energy at the moment, after 8. I swear someone was messing with my son.

I wonder, if my son was fine, if it's possible something else was going on and I was picking up on that. I feel relieved now.

So then this guy drives by in a big truck with flames and he's pointing at his neck. If I find out something happened with my son, that will be an issue. It's not happening to me right now. The computer seems to be fine but I'm also using it at a distance. Most of the day was decent, but in the last couple of weeks more down than usual.
No, now I think it's the overheating thing. I will have to go somewhere else and see for sure.
I have been waiting to hear back about the turtle. I realy want to bring a turtle to my visit with my son tomorrow but $100 is a lot for me right now. I will have to see.

I think it quit. I turned off my laptop and in a while it quit but then when I went to the blog, it started up again. Not when I went online though, only when I directed to the blogger. Obviously though, people know it's happening or when someone is basically "turning the juice" on in some way. They know in this town. I wish someone would infiltrate and blast their asses.

I played the song over and over, "Bye Bye" and then "Memory" from "Cats" came to mind. I got the song and then secondly, I was thinking, "Oh no, I think I want to hear something from the musical Cats. I rediscovered "Memory" IS from "Cats". This one is very good, by Elaine Page. I first listened to another woman sing it, but I like this one. I used to sing this one even back in high school. I always liked this song. I used to make myself cry singing it. haha.

Oh, this one is the BEST one I've ever heard. I'm not feeling it in the sense of being emotional or crying, but I like the more hopeful way of singing it bc usually it's so depressing. I ended up depressed whenever I sang it. But she has a very nice inflection and a powerful voice. And I did feel elevated with her crescendo.

Barbara Streisands version I like too. Technically, I think she might be perfect. She has a nice unusual quality with her high, sort of slightly nasal but sounds good at the same time. It's strange. In this song, you can really hear her range. What is strange to me is that I think her bottom notes and top notes are her best. Middle is so-so. But when she does such an amazing job, so rich on the bottom and so strong at the top, it made me think about her range, even though the song requires the same of any singer.

This is so weird. A "taco" song came to mind. I found the taco songs by J.Lo. from South Park. "I Need A Soldier" by Destiny's Child.
The burning quit. It was off and on but it seems to have quit.
I'm facing another river photo.
I just looked up the CNN news and just now read there were all these killings in Chihauhau and I wonder why there specifically. What sort of freaks me out is how these women I was talking to (white) at a Mexican restaurant, were pointing out some chihauhau that looked like a stray going down an alley and I was going to go aftter it, and later I did look for it, to make sure it was okay, but it's a little strange to think about now, after hearing people died over there.
dynamo came to mind and I got dynamo of volition by Jason Mraz. I guess there's a dynamo hum too. honestly, when i first got dynamo i then though diana dynamo. but i haven't been looking up anything about anything royal for a long time. oh, nasty song...sort of. not a very nice song and that's the 70s! terrible terrible song. seriously. this is like a charles manson song. scary. i seriously think, i could never ever, in my life, date anyone who liked frank zappa. i do not like him at all. I also looked up dynamo as in dynamo theory and electric generators.

switched to Kyrie by Mr. Mister.

I should listen to songs that remind me of my brother and other people. This song doesn't but his nickname was mister every now and then.
I am looking up a few things on georeactors (dynamo). I guess the theory shifted in 2007 which is not long ago. I don't know why, but the "non-mainstream" definition caught my attention. Just read it. Sounds sort of interesting. Well written article.
I do not know what to do with my time right now, because, unsettled, I cannot get anything important done. Being at the other house, was not "settled". I had my things gone through all the time. What really shocked me was seeing that landlord out and about like no big deal, later, as if nothing ever happened, as he's passing me. I am definitely making my reports on all of the things that happened. I have had a lot of things happen, altogether, and then I have been the one to get blamed for things. Like the way this Community Action threw up this "eviction" stuff, as if it was my fault when they knew, all along, what was going on. I had zero privacy as well, but like I said, there were 2 other people in and out and then 2 other housemates as well (who I don't think would, at the least, put in cameras or do anything weird in a sophisticated sense).
I ate all of my onion rings except one. I don't know why I was full but there is one ring left. When I order onion rings now, I think about wedding rings.
Phantasma or phantasmagoria came to mind. MOTHS! Oh, great discovery, this song: Moths, phantasmagoria in two. 1969. Tim Buckley. I want to hear "The Heron" song because it says it's an original or done only once or something but I can't find it on youtube. I decided on one called "Dolphins" or whistle test or something. Here's "Dolphins":
The burning crap is back and I think it's the laptop. I like this song dolphins though. I don't think I've ever listened to Tim Buckley before tonight. I then chose "Morning Glory" and what is strange, is before he said one single word, I had tears in my eyes. I am not kidding, this is probably the strangest emotional connection I've had to a song, that fast, in awhile, at least tonight. I have never heard this song in my life and with only the instrumental I had tears and then of course then he sings the first phrases which are beautiful. It's about a hobo--I like the idea of from my "fleeting house" because all things in life are fleeting as is life. I guess I got curious about other dolphin songs and found this one, which is a pretty good cover from a "Live" song: Here's the Live version. I don't know why I haven't heard this? I had their CD and their concert was my first.

I keep watching this video. It's weird in a couple of ways. First, the weather stuff. But actually, before that, the spot in the background. It is exactly like the spot of oil put on the manilla envelope I got with my records for termination, with some note that I missed an April 28th appointment (I didn't have one with them so I don't know what they were referring to). But the spot is the exact shape and size, of a dot but sort of a little frayed all around the edge.

I like "Lightening Crashes" most. I haven't seen the video until tonight though. Cats! and magic again or something. Interesting theme with Live.

Urzu came to mind and I found a song called urzu urzu and it was the second to bring tears to my eyes. I don't know why. I sort of laughed-smiled at the part where she is showing off her jeans but then it's so pure and free, briefly tears (not falling you know, a start).

I am a little stunned. Something touched me with this video clip and then what gets me is that the view at the end, is exactly the view of Cashmere (not Kasimiri) from my grandparents house. And the apple orchard and purple clover and everything. Very sweet song and it made me think of freedom between old and new ways, tradition and invention, and understanding between women--free spirits here. Very rare. So then I discover, when looking up the movie, that it's about a woman caught in a romance that cannot be, where Kasimiri is being fought over by both India AND Pakistan and she falls in love with someone from the wrong side or she's not suitable for some reason too.

Teki came to mind. i got it more teki than techie, sounds like tech-ee but spelled teki. can't find any music.

got poora dukh. and it's Urdu. Like from Kasimiri, where the last song was from.

I keep trying to find out the meaning of poora dukh but only got this song with no translation. I don't like it that much, except for maybe the sax a little bit and I would probably like the lyrics but I don't care for her voice.
Pura (Poora) Dukh Aur Aadha Chaand.

It turns out it's not just Urdu but Pakistani, from a poem written by a Pakistani woman. I have been trying to find the translation in full everywhere but can't. I only found the first verse, which is something about: "Full pain and half a moon/..."

I listened to this over and over. Why so many moons? so many moons and rivers...I don't look for them either. They find me.
Tired and thinking of getting a hotel room anyway.
I forgot to mention some image I got of Q. Elizabeth the other day, and it was of a big hug. I don't picture her, from what small bit I've read or seen, giving big hugs, but I saw this. I don't know who it was for though but it was a grandmotherly type big hug. Sort of like any grandma and warm which I don't imagine but maybe we don't see or hear everything and people change or are different with some than others too. i don't know what she was wearing.

Also, wondered if the "bite" was when on a horse or riding or something and someone grabbing something and playful. had a horse in mind but who knows. The other thing in mind was more private but who knows. I am probably wrong and it's probably my imagination---the creative writer, coming into play.

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