Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bad Vibe This Morning

I don't have a good feeling this morning. I didn't, from the time I woke up and then it improved a little but then went down again. It's not depression--something is wrong. There is something wrong with my son or someone else. Or just bad vibe because something else, against me, is going on or has shifted.

Also, I kept getting disconnected each time I tried to write something about the Israeli-Turkey thing.

I noticed this morning how journalists with the U.S. were calling the Gaza strip people "activists". Last night they were called "humanitarians" and now they're being called "activists".

This kind of shift in language indicates a shaping of events by the media, at least in the U.S., before the facts are even in. I was postponing judgment until I heard more, but how is it that six huge ships carrying food and supplies and humanitarian aid are suddenly "activists"?

Activists, of course, can be assaulted, because, well, you know, they're "ACTIVISTS" and activists are always a "threat". Humanitarians? Well, you are a devil if you attack "humanitarians".

So there is this subtle justification already developing with the way this event is being portrayed, by the U.S., at least this reporter with NPR.

If someone DID attack "first" then I can see how things were justified. I do, which is why I would like to see the evidence.

However, I heard this one woman's testimony and she said they sent out several radio calls to Israel which were received, and said they were civilians and carrying humanitarian aid and do not attack--they were unarmed, and then she said when they were attacked, they tried to send out emergency calls for help and all the signals were jammed within 15 minutes so no one could get calls for help out anymore.

If they never had a right to be there and it's against protocol for some reason, or if someone attacked violently first, I can understand, but I am just wondering already at how there is such a vast difference of opinion about how to portray this situation.

I guess if they'd been called "activists" to begin with, I wouldn't notice. I would just think, "oh, okay." But it went from "humanitarians" to "activists". Just as any term gives a different meaning--freedom fighters being a far cry from terrorists, for example.

Diana, a humanitarian but she DID become a sort of activist. But people, with her, tried to make it out like she was just this humanitarian no one wanted to do any harm too, when she did have some enemies and she was, in the technical sense of the word, an activist.

However, I did hear a report that maybe someone attacked Israel first, so I would like to know about that, if it's true or not.

I really do NOT have a good feeling this morning. Something is going on.

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