Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Son Cheerful But Still Brainwashed & Other (images)

Someone is seriously doing stuff to my son. Coaching him on things to do and say. He looked pretty good, in general, and was affectionate with me, but I still saw dark circles under his eyes and think he's had some of the same crap happening to him still, because someone is basing whatever he and I do and say, to determine other things.

I want my son to have a normal childhood, have fun, and be left alone. He is not a guinea pig and neither am I and this needs to stop.

In our visit, the heating thing was happening and he was tired and hot from it too. He was close and affectionate with me but someone had been telling him to pick out certain books (which were already laid out) and he made it clear he already knew what was in some of these books too. I walked in and there was a purple piece of something in the entrance and then the monitor turned over a Princess laptop when she was leaving. They are not making up our visit this week but next week.

I saw at least one woman driving by today, in orange, who looked fucking normal. There are a lot of assholes out and about still and were driving past today.

Also, while she's making up the visit, which I appreciate but should have been arranged earlier and not affected my son, who clearly didn't want to wait that long...she wasn't writing down things that were positive things which could be added to our notes. So I don't know how the notes are being written up, but I know she wasn't writing at all when I was talking with my son about some things which clearly showed a loving and still very connected bond.

Like, I was asking about toys he had from or for his bath and then he was telling me what he had and I was telling him about toys he had from me when he was little. He wanted to know more about what I got him and was happy and excited to hear about what I had gotten him when he was a baby which he still has. He told me, for example, after I asked if he had anything that sucked up water and spit it out, he said he had a duck. Then I said, "what kind of duck? like a rubber ducky?" because I got him one but it didn't squirt at all. He nodded and then he said, "And one with a hat." I knew then that this one was probably one I got him and said, "So is this the one with the police hat? the policeman duck?" and he looked at me in surprise and said, happily, "you got that one for me?! Mama, YOU got me that big duck?" and I said, "Yes, you played with it when you were just a baby and it has a blue and silver hat I think." And he was happy about this. We had a long talk about things like this and he wanted to know more and he WANTS to be with me. He just wants his mother and yet all this time that he was talking about stuff and demonstrating a bond and a unique thing between us, the monitor wasn't writing any of THAT stuff down.

And the thing is, here I am telling my son we can be thankful to Anne that we get to see eachother THREE times next week (to make up for stuff) but the whole thing is, why should we be "so appreciative" or made to feel WE need to be "thankful" for aNYTHING? Our fucking visit was cancelled this week when the state KNEW they needed to plan ahead and that this affects my son. Not to mention, THEY are fucking holding my son HOSTAGE and there is absolutely NOTHING, in this entire affair, to be "thankful" about.

So, I had some images with my son. While I had been playing Pacman and praying for my son and thinking about him, I made some psychic connections with my son, both last night and this morning. This is part of the reason I'm having problems getting my son back. Some group wants to use him and it's easier to do it if he's separated from me, and then use me too.

At our last visit, after I had noticed some red marks inside his cheeck, like old burst blood vessels like from what I had when I got the poisoned cigarette, the very next day, just one or two days later, I did the "doctor/dentist" thing again and looked in his mouth and it was completely gone but he said his "tummy hurt" (for real) There is no way that mark inside of his cheek disappeared within a day or two without some kind of medication of some type. It wasn't like a bruise or something that was because of pressure, it was different and then 1-2 days later it was just gone. Right after I wrote about it on my blog. I do not think, or believe, some regular gangster person would know what to give my son. My aunt and uncle sure wouldn't either. This is straight up abuse by persons somehow involved with military and probably gangs too, and using one thing as ann excuse for another thing.

Also, two different persons I've identififed as being abusive are hanging around me today. First the guy I took a photograph, who followed me and then sat next to me and then went outside and sat next to me after I moved. Then this woman who I used to live with, whom I've accused of stalking, with her boyfriend, are out here again.

I just got their photos, to prove location, because this is probably the 5-6th time they've "shown" up where I am and then just loitered and stared at me, mocked me, or harassed me. So I got their fucking photos, to show proximity to where I was and where they were at the same time.
So I will get to the part about the images I had of my son, which I do not attribute to any fucker hanging out with my son but with my connection to my son and prayer to God alone.

At any rate, he was asking about what I had for him and I had some things, but I didn't know if he could appreciate money yet but he did. I showed him a $10 bill I had, which is everything I had and I gave it to him. In the bathroom he was excitedly talking about the "dollar" I gave him and I told him, "It's not just 1 dollar honey, it's $10...see, if it has a zero after the 1, it's a 10, but I can see how you thought the other way." I told him when I had more, I would give him more.
Anyway, I had 2 images which were directly connected to my son. Last night, at some point, I saw green and yellow parts of a toy and knew it was John Deere. I don't know how I knew it was a John Deere toy, and thought maybe it was pieces or parts of something, but knew it was John Deere and wondered if my son had been playing with his tractor. I also wondered if something had broken, bc I thought I saw more fragmented images, like didn't form the whole, but saw the colors.

Today, he had his sweater zipped up and when I unzipped for his "doctor exam" on his heart, I saw the shirt underneath was a John Deere shirt. I said to him, "Were you playing with something that was John Deere last night?" and he nodded. I said "Was it your tractor or something else?" and he said, "Something else" and I said, "Did it get broken?" and he didn't say.

Then, the other image I got, which I had this morning before my visit with him, was of the book "Thomas the Train" and I was thinking, this morning, only about the trains and how I needed to get him the larger Thomas The Train book with the collection of stories. So I saw the face of Thomas the Train and was thining about his first book which he really lit up over, was this one, in an easy format, and he was very young, about 9 months or so and loved it. So I was thinking about this and then he got oout of the car today, and he was holding 2 Thomas the Train trains in his hands. I said, "Oliver! Do you know WHAT? I was just thinking about Thomas the Train this MORNING! and here you are with the trains!"

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