Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Donna Titleman Image & Other

I just found out the supervisor for the guy I was just working with, or trying to work with, has Donna, the woman I referred as putting things into a desk drawer, as his supervisor.

Aside from certain papers, and possibly something else, I saw something red. So since I'm here and her name was mentioned, I thought I would add to what my impression was.

Something to do with papers but also, at that time, in a desk drawer, something bright red. Top drawer.

I don't know if it's been moved or which desk. I'm not saying the red object is anything bad either, I just got the impression, that day, of something red and it was a bright red color and I had the impression it was hard in substance, not soft. At least semi-firm. It wasn't, for example, a red brochure. The impression I had of her was something to do with paper in a desk or hiding something possibly, and then there was also a flash of some other red object, and it could have been smaller but wasn't as small as a thumb tack, for example.
I also had the impression of the name "Eduardo" right before it was called out loud when I first came into the offices but could have been a coincidence.

Also, I went to Cafe Mela and of all the people to chat with, I talked to a woman whose son just got back from the Army so I welcomed him back with her; I guess he was in Georgia.

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