Monday, May 4, 2009

"Dear Diary" & Scary Exxon

I just caught onto something tonight. I had made a post about this group of white guys, walking by and jeering at me, saying, "Deeaaar Diary..." and laughing.

Exxon was going through all of my stuff and I had just picked up all these old diaries going back to when I was 14 years old. In the earliest journal, I entitled every entry, "Dear Diary,".

This guy was not good. It is really frightening how naive my parents are, to trust someone blindly like that, the same guy that was driving around, searching for their other house, which he hadn't been invited to, as if he knew exactly where they lived. Exxon was looking in the direction of my parent's property.

When he was going with me up to my son's to deliver presents, he knew where to go and how to get there, without my telling him, and nodded to some other man driving down the road in Dryden, and they both acknowledged eachother. Exxon doesn't do that with people but he and this guy did and exchanged looks.

Exxon also opened up a bag of undeveloped cameras I had and some things are missing.

Not only that, the only camera I left behind is a cheap digital, and all the footage I took of me and my son from our first visit, was gone after he left. It had all been erased. All that was left, was one photo of me sleeping in our bed with the sunlight just started to come through the window.

My bracelet, which I wore all the time, has been missing. It was at the bottom of my purse and he took it.

I have some things to write about MS13 too because I was meeting people with connections to this group or who kept bringing it up, when I was in D.C.

Exxon gave me a ring to wear, with 5 stones. One main stone, and four small stones. Then there was the engagement band which went along with it, and it had 5 small stones. He told me, when we were married I would get another ring to wear with the others. The other one had three small stones.

A total of 13 stones and he'd been determined to marry on Friday the 13th after first knowing me.

I need good law enforcement protection from good cops because what I'm saying, and all this mind game shit, which I believe is connected to Abbey lawyers, is true.

I saw John Kaempf rolling into town again. He drove past the hotel we were staying at first.

It's very scary, I'm sure anyone in undercover work see innocent people so readily accepting someone who you have very serious info on. What is scary, is that he was connected to people with a lot of fucking power. The U.S. really, really, needs strong people because the system is infiltrated with dirty harry's.

Michelle E. seemed genuinely surprised I didn't need an immediate bus pass. And surprised I was still wanting an eval in MD rather than Wenatchee or MD, willing to pay and able to pay, for airfare. The posts I wrote about Exxon and the money, are true.

And it is true, that you cannot judge a book by its cover.

Be careful what you assume and who you trust, and whom you believe is naive or without good judgement. Exxon not only did dirty things with regard to betraying me and trying to keep me from getting my son back, and setting me up, he worked in part, for people in the U.S. government, who do not like me and wanted to frame me.

Time to turn the tide. The tide is a tsunami, but I have a heart even for some of these gang members who think they are on the right side. Be so careful. There are better ways to protect your families. Be careful of who you trust, even in the U.S. government because things are not as they seem.

The good guys, men and women, need to step up, and not be discouraged, and be sly and outsmart the muthafuckahs who are willing to bring anyone down, regardless of what side of the fence they're on, just to satisfy themselves and their own personal and selfish interests.

Wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.


Anonymous said...

Why is the man's name Exxon? Is it so that he is pretty much unidentifiable? I mean, no person's name is Exxon and Exxon is a perfect cover because you can't search the internet for Exxon because all you get are gasoline references. Try it. Try to search man's name Exxon. You can't find any.

"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle [you]."
-1 Peter 5:6-10

Mama said...

I don't know exactly what the point is here.

Exxon is a nickname I gave him because he was my "Ex" and then I would take him "On" again. We were off and on, hence Ex-on, and I spelled it Exxon.

His name on his license in the U.S. is "Alvaro Pardo Barbosa" but he spelled Pardo with an 'x' sometimes "Pardox".

He had military cards with this name on it, from Colombia but he's supposedly not in any military, even with a heartrate of 65. Sure. Not with the U.S. either, or the set ups.

He purposefully wore the Dolce Gabbana colonge "the one". I used to talk to Christa S. about "the one" all the time. So he's wearing this and then announcing to me before he left, that he was watching "The Matrix" which made me think of the one, and how he's been connected to the Abbey lawyers--I'm sure he WAS "the one" for them.

They wanted ME to wear the colonge "Alien" and I was given a laptop through someone I think was connected to them but worked for the U.S. government, with a start up about my artificial intelligence with a creepy tone. And he put a ringtone next to my photo, in his cell, with a psycho theme song, right in the very beginning.

I think these people thought I was really stupid. No, I was watching everything.

He was working as a double, for more than one group.

Still, all of that said, I don't know the whole story. I'm not going to assume anything. Sometimes there is a lot more going on than what appears to be going on, and sometimes there are layers beneath the layers.

I know someone was wanting to unload me. For what I went through, I deserve to be paid very, very, well.

It was twisted.

Oh but sure, my parents love him.

So fucking scary.

Mama said...

P.S. The same guy who does government contract work for the CIA and DOD warned me not to "get involved" or I'd end up dead. This is the same one who asked about my being a spy and who said he wanted something but he didn't want the SIM. He's the same one who told me not to make the Catholic church mad and that even the U.S. government couldn't control them or didn't have the power to interfere. That was Steve Blum. A federal communications computer guy.

Mama said...

I have to say, he knew what he was doing was wrong. I saw the guilty look so many times. It doesn't or didn't matter though. Once after he was trying to set me up again and play another mind game, after I'd taken him to clinics to take of his medical issues, he wanted to drive and I wouldn't let him. I said, as I was getting into the car, after we were leaving the club when he was trying to pick up on other women and lying to me about it, I said, "I drive you better than you drive me." He had the guiltiest look on his face. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

He never had control of me. I let him think he did, at times, but he never had me.